Friday, January 29, 2016

Ending of Me and You

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Sad Ending of the Book
    Finally our class finish read ‘Me and You’. However ‘Me and You’ had really sad ending for one of main character Olivia died in the end of the book. I felt very strange and surprised by end of the book. I could not expect that Olivia died after 10 years, but I expected little about Lorenzo and Olivia’s relationship became better in the cellar.
In my opinion if somebody read this book, than nobody could not expect this ending. This is the story about book at first. At first Lorenzo’s half sister Olivia asked that stay with Lorenzo in cellar together for a while. However that time Lorenzo did not want any disturb from anybody. Also he did not go to ski trip and lied to his mother, so he had to stay quiet for secret, but Olivia intimidated to Lorenzo that shouted to everybody about Lorenzo and said he did not go to ski trip and hid in cellar. Olivia was very smart to tried to live with Lorenzo, so Lorenzo could not ignore her and brought her inside of cellar to hid her too. Already their relationship was not that good at first. However during they were living in cellar together, Olivia was very sick because of took too many drugs. Lorenzo thought he had to help Olivia, so he tried to go to get her medicine and went to hospital for her. After Lorezno came to cellar with medicine, Lorenzo thought Olivia died and he felt really sad, but she did not die.  In this part I expected that their relationship could be become better, because Lorenzo always worried Olivia a lot.  
In the last night in the basement, Olivia and Lorenzo decided to eat all of food they got and after eat everything, they found a record player and they turned on music. Olivia started to dance and she made Lorenzo to dance with her. After he danced and have fun with Olivia he felt alive.
“Lorenzo felt alive-it took my breth away. In a few hours he would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet he knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that Lorenzo would be able to talk to the others like he was one of them. Lorenzo  could go to boarding school. He could change the furniture in his bedroom.” (Me and You, page 143) Lorenzo felt that he could be change everything. After when their relationship became better  I think Olivia tried to make Lorenzo grew up and she adviced to Lorenzo a lot. Also Olivia said that she would go to Bali, because she had a boy friend there and she said that Lorenzo would like him. Lorenzo might be felt very comfortable, because Olivia told to Lorenzo that she had place to go.
However after 10 years Olivia died by drugs overdose. I think this ending is very sad, because Olivia and Lorenzo might meet together and have celebrate together for their meeting, but ending did not end like that. I think Olivia wanted to give advice to her young half brother and lied to him that she went to Bali for make him comfortable. I loved this book at first part, but I wish ending change.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Relationship with Lorenzo and Olivia

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Relationship with Lorenzo and Olivia
In this two chapters, Oliva and Lorenzo related a lot. Oliva is Lorenzo’s step sister, and they have the same father and different mothers. In this story Lorenzo explained that Oliva is a very beautiful girl with nice body. Lorenzo didn’t have many memories with Oliva, but she had a phone call to Lorenzo. After that, at midnight, Oliva came to Lorenzo’s cellar and asked  Lorenzo to sleep for one night in the cellar. However, Lorenzo did not want Olivia to stay with him at first. ‘I mean that I don’t have any where to sleep.’said Olivia. ‘And you want to sleep here?’ Lorenzo shook his head. ‘No way.’ ‘Because. This is my cellar. I am here. There’s only room for one person.’ Lorenzo did not want  his freedom to be interrupted from a person who did not know very well. That person was Olivia. Also, Lorenzo initially agree to allow her to stay, because she intimidated  Lorenzo, moved towards the middle of the garden and in a fairly with loud voice said, ‘Listen up, everyone! Can you hear me? A boy is hiding in the cellar. It’s Lorenzo Cuni, who’s pretending to be away on ski week... Hello…’, so Lorenzo was confused a lot. Therefore he tried to make her get into his cellar and promised this. ‘All right, but you have to leave tomorrow morning. Promise?’ Of course Olivia said ‘I promise.’ That’s why Lorenzo initially agreed to allow her to stay in his cellar.
          After Olivia slept for one night, she said ‘I haven’t got the strength to leave.’, so Lorenzo became disappointed and angry of Oliva. Lorenzo argued with Olivia a lot. However during the arguing, Lorenzo’s mother had a phone call to Lorenzo and right then the phone rang. Lorenzo’s mother was worried about Lorenzo a lot because he did not answer his phone so Lorenzo’s mother wanted to talk with Alessia’s mother, but Lorenzo said ‘She can’t talk now. Call back later.’, becasue Lorenzo was not ready to lie to his mother. However, her voice was very hard and she was holding back from yelling. She became angry because Lorenzo’s mother kept asking to talk with Alessia’s mother, but Lorenzo always avoided her questions before. Therefore he tried to figure this problem but except Olivia, there was no other  solution to solve this problem, so Lorenzo asked her to help him pretend to be  Alessia’s mother. However a wicked smile curved Olivia’s mouth. ‘No chance…’, so Lorenzo obeyed and apologized to Olivia. Lorenzo said ‘Repeat. I swear on my parents’ live that I will be Olivia Cuni’s slave…’ After all of this conversations, Olivia pretended to be Alessia’s mother.These kind of untruth stories are all not good for their future, and they have very dispositioned thinkings.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Summarize Chapter One

The character name Lorenzo was a fourteen years old from Italian young boy. He had to go to ski trip with his friends, but he did not want to go to ski trip. Therefore instead of ski trip, he planned for hid in secret room. He hid in the basement room and prepared many foods and prepared important things to live.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Once upon a time---...

   Once upon a time in a winter vacation at Korea, I felt very comfortable and had big fun with my many different friends. When I went to Korea at first, I met my family in airport and we went to great restaurant to ate Korean foods. We chose to eat Korean BBQ near by my house, because I really wanted to eat meats a lot. We ordered many meats more than us, so I could eat enough BBQ. After I finished all Korean BBQ, we talked about my school life and my school grades. I did not want to talk about school grades at first day in Korea, so I called my friends to play with me at night time.
   Actually I met my girlfriend with her other friends. I really missed her a lot in America, so I hugged very strong and we laughed each other. However I had strong cold, because from America to Korea were very far and very hard to move every vacations. I was little sick but I felt very comfortable to met my girlfriend. We went to watch move called Black Catholic Priest. That movie was very scary movie, so we chose to watch together. We both loved scary movies a lot. During the movie most of people screamed and scared most of scenes. We also scared sometimes and we hold our hands very strongly. After the movie we felt very tired, because we wasted too much energy from that movie. After watch movie we went to eat something at midnight. I loved midnight, because there were nobody in the walkways and there were not much cars in road. We ate Korean delicious chicken at midnight. I think most of people loved to eat chicken during midnight with beers.
We had very fun first day in Korea, and we played a lot at night, because my girlfriend and my all of friends had many academy and they had school in the morning. Also I had tutoring in the morning, so  mostly we had good time at night and midnight. I hope vacations are coming soon.