Thursday, October 29, 2015

Similar and Difference between Sookan and me

 When I was in fifth grade, I came to United State by to month. At first I wanted to travel to America, but I had school vacation, so I could stay more in America. Therefore I was staying two month for my English provement and my English skills. I went American private school with my Korean friends. However Sookan did not have friends to go to America. She went America by herself and she tried to make new experience in America. I was in Los Angeles near by Korean town. Actually when I was fifth grade, I did not nervous to came to America. I had many friends and I knew them. Also I was just staying two month. As well as Sookan was very nervous to came to America at first, because  she was alone and no one can support her very strongly. Also she did not good at spoke English a lot. She worried a lot, because of her English skills also she worried about communication with her new American friends and many different teachers.
 However when I was eighth grade I had to be ready. Before I came to Cheshire Academy, I was studying in Korean public middle school. I had many different friends in Korea and we always had fun together everyday. Sookan also had many friends in Korea, but I think they could not have fun. Because that year was 1954 right after Korean War, so many people died and they were all poor. Also they were busy to earn much money. However my parents had enough money to support me to study in America, so I decided to go to America in eighth grade. I had great supporter to study in America, but Sookan could not get good supporter. Because their families were poor, and they had no much money to gave Sookan. I was really lucky and Sookan was unlucky. When I came to America in eighth grade, I was alone like Sookan. I was little nervous too, because I did not know anybody who were in America and I need to all by myself like Sookan. However before school start, there were summer program, so I decided to go summer program. I felt I could make many different friends and became best friends. My choice was right, and from now we became best friends each other. Sookan was nervous to came to America at first, and also I was nervous even I went to America once. However we became better and better, so we made many friends too.

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