Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Best Ability Of Life

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Best Ability Of Life
     When I was in kindergarten, my mom made I read many different books for my future knowledges. I did not know about anything that read many books and knew knowledges for my future. Actually I loved to read many different books. I read many different Korean books, when I did not know English. I learned English when I was in primary school. After I learn English I also loved to read many English novels. If I read many different books, there were many lessons that always tried to teach us. When I was young, I was very interesting about many different lessons to learn many different community knowledges. This was my dream that write my own lesson to many different people and they could learn my lesson from my books. I thought this could be my best ability of my life.
     My mom told me, if I want to know many different knowledge, I need to read many different articles or read many different books. When I was young, I could understand books very easily, because books were very easy for young children and they show great organized for many people. However now if I read many books, there were all difficult and hard to understand book story. If I could not understand story one time, I tried to read again from the beginning. It was hard to read again and hard to organized understand stories, but I really wanted to understand all of books' stories. I think I prefer to read many books for my knowledges and read can makes me creativity for everything. Also read makes me focus something a lot. This makes me very helpful that when I study big tests or doing big projects. If I can focus easily, I can also get good grade in all of important tests or projects. It helps everything.
     I prefer to read graphic novels a lot, because it is easy to understand many different story. Also in English class we read many different graphic novels. We read 'Persepolis' and 'Absolutely True Diary'. My favorite book is 'Absolutely True Diary', because this story give many life lesson to me. I could understand many different happen to main character. For example one of turning points were make main character's life different. I loved to read many different life lesson's from many different books, but 'Absolutely True Diary' was story about teach special life lessons. Sometime graphic novels were hard to understand, but most of graphic novels show great organization for many people. Therefore it become we can understand very easier than just general novels. General novels are can be boring than graphic novel, but in general novels we can imagine many different things from story.
     From Cheshire Academy or many schools need to write many essay. I tried to write many different format of essay, but I always got mistake and always got bad grade. However I always tried to improve my own writing skills from many teachers. It is very hard to think about topic of essay and hard to write something creativity. After I wrote essay, most of big problems were grammar mistakes. I always think about grammar mistake in every essay, but I could not find my problem very specifically. I will keep work on my writing skills and improve my writing essay grade. I always tried to want to get good grade for my college and for my future. I will practice writing and I will make perfect.
     Always love to read many different books, and always write many different essay, but I got bad grade. However this two skills are best ability for our life. I can know better community and better knowledge. In our life, there are no easy way to become perfect. However most of people just want to get perfect from everything. That could be possible sometimes, but not always possible. That's why most of people practice everything very hard, and try to become better. I will keep read many different books and write many different essay. My reading and writing skills are going to improve more than now!

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