Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Vocabulary 3

1. mannequin: (plastic person)- She took it off the mannequin and gently pushed me toward the dressing room.
2. second-hand: (something that has been used)- To save money, I had purchased second-hand textbooks from upperclassmen at a fraction of the original price, and I was careful not to use too many notebooks.
3. animatedly: (using a lot of motions and gestures)- Many of our classmates were there, with drinks in hand, talking animatedly.
4. faltered: (to go off of a path)- Flustered, I faltered, then hurriedly responded, "Yes, well, I had a good time, too. Good night." I pulled my hand from his, and ran inside.
5. impulsive: (do things before thinking)- You are a bit impulsive and head' strong at times, but you did well.
6. constrained: (restrictions or rules)- But maybe that was why I had wanted to leave home for a while; I had always felt constrained there.
7. Gregorian: (chant)- I'll be working on campus. A Gregorian chant program is scheduled for June, and students will be coming from around the world.
8. pearl: (type jewelry)- I would wear my cream silk dress and the pearl jewelry that Sister Reed had given me.
9. elope: (to get married without permission)- I just want to elope and get our lives started now!"
10. taciturn: (not speak very much) I would write to each of my taciturn brothers, even though they had never written to me.
11. sobbed: (cried really hard)- I sat, buried my face in my hands, and sobbed.
12. pouch: (a pocket)- In a silk pouch that Mother had made was her thin, white gold wedding band.
13. listlessly: (not moving like it is dead)- As I stared forward listlessly, little Sarah snuggled up against me, and whispered into my ear, "I love you, Sookan." She squeezed my hand.
14. hymn: (religious song)- I was comforted by their high-pitched hymns reverberating in the domed chapel.
15. fainted:  (to pass out/sleep)- She had fainted, and they found out it was a cerebral hemorrhage.

Monday, November 16, 2015

In class writing

   There were many ending during 'Peter Pan'. The last ending was a year later they promised that Wendy, John and Michael would visit Neverland once a year. This ending was little bit of happy ending and little bit of sad ending. First it was better than could not see each other. They might not see each other, because Wendy's mother did not aloud to go to Neverland. She knew that Neverland could be dangerous place for their children. Also they promised that Wendy, John and Michael would visit Neverland once a year, but Wendy might grow up, so she could forget about Peter Pan and Peter Pan also could forget about Wendy. This is little bit sad ending too.
Peter wanted to stay with Wendy, John and Michael. Therefore he asked to their mother about staying together and go to Neverland together. However children's mother said no, because she wanted to protect their children. I felt Peter Pan looked really sad and poor from children's mother. There are many happy ending or sad ending in theater, but in this 'Peter Pan' I felt there were two happy and sad ending.

The Best of Time to Watch Peter Pan

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The Best of Time to Watch Peter Pan
          Many people read book of ‘Peter Pan’ and they know story from ‘Peter Pan’. However  in Cheshire Academy theater they made story more interesting with a lot of imagination. When I was in eight grade, I tried theater of pit band. I did not perform and did not memorize any dialogues, but I saw that they worked hard and tried to make perfect during theater. Before I watched ‘Peter Pan’ I knew that theater characters were working really hard to memorize all of dialogues and they practiced to make perfect. Also if they performed, they wanted to show no mistakes and show how much time they took to make perfect theater. In theater there were happy and beautiful Wendy house. There was Mrs. Darling, Mr. Darling, John and Michael, and dog named Nana. The stars were shining brightly one night, and  Peter Pan came to Wendy house to find his shadow. However Wendy heard Peter Pan’s voice, so she tried to talk with Peter Pan. Peter Pan needed help to sew shadow to Peter Pan. Because of that relation, Peter asked to Wendy to take a journey to Neverland and Wendy heard about flying to Neverland, so she woke John and Michael to fly to Neverland.
          However in Neverland, Captain Hook made a plan to catch Peter Pan, because during Captain Hook was fought with Peter Pan, he lost one of his hands, and the crocodile ate one of his hand. After crocodile ate Captian Hook’s hand, crocodile always follows Captian Hook with sounds with clock to eat other hand. After that happened Captian Hook felt nervous from crocodile and always tried to hide when clock sounds came out, so  he climbed a burning hatred for Peter Pan. The master plan of Captian Hook for catching the virus was Peter Pan. In other words, Peter Pan kidnapped Indian chiefs daughter who lives in the woods and found out the home of Peter Pan and orphans to intimidate them, to raid the place. Wendy, John Michael told  Peter Pan to take them back to their home, because  their parents could be  worried and waiting for them. Mrs. Darling was waiting and did not close the window because she guessed that Wendy, John and Michael will come back through the window. Mrs. Darling heard Peter Pan’s voice. Peter Pan told Mrs. Darling that he wanted to be with Wendy, John and Michael. They could have  come with him but Mrs. Darling told no to Peter Pan, because she knew it could be dangerous. At the end, a year later they promised that Wendy, John and Michael would visit Neverland once a year.
After I watched this whole theater, I felt they prepared it really well and practiced really hard. Their organization of stories was really good and they did not make us bored. They put many interesting characters in ‘Peter Pan’. My favorite performer was John Jiang and Mr. Porter. John Jiang was Mr. Darling and curly Mr. Porter was faculty pirates. I loved their jokes and they made all of us watching laugh. We did not get bored because of John Jiang and Mr. Porter. Also Mr. Porter was not the main character, but many people laughed at Mr. Porter and his dialogues were not that long, but I still can remember. Also John Jiang is from China, but he performed like real American. His acting was really interesting and perfect. I hope in Cheshire Academy there are many more theaters from now. Also I hope there are many different performers come out between Cheshire Academy students.


Monday, November 9, 2015


Capturing the Before

 When I was in under the JJW building, I saw many people but I can saw on of title Capturing  the before. I read through whole explanation, and saw eight photographers about photos. These photographs were all came from 'Capturing the Before'. Capturing means the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property, so in my opinion they wanted to explain our society and our life by photographs.
 I can felt many things from many photographs, because most of pictures were very lonely and felt they need many helps from our community. Also I thought there were many darkness and brightness that tried to escape dark to light. This means they were in dark and nobody can helped, but they tried to escape their lonely place and tried to go out to our big community and fight with them. Many people were there to saw many photographs and we can felt peaceful. Also photographs made me to returned my life and our communities.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sookan's Succeed Life

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Sookan's Succeed Life
In this novel main character Sookan came to America for studied and tried to succeed in America. In this time Korea was really poor and we had nothing because of Korean War. Perhaps Sookan could thought about Korea's future, and she tried to change Korea after she succeed in America. However Sookan did not know anything about America and she could not speak English very well, but she always tried to learn many different subjects for her grade. Sookan knew she did not have good English skills, so she always thought about her subject grades, and she worked really hard every single days. Sookan wanted to be perfect. She practice her English skills everyday and tried to become perfect. Sookan was very polite to everybody, but she could not have many different friends. Sookan's roommate Ellen was very outgoing, so she had many friends. Sookan, Ellen and Marci were best friends each other. Sookan, Ellen and Marci's relationship were stay by whole time. Also Sookan did not good at English and she was not good at it. However Sookan always worked hard, so Sookan could be succeed in America.
Most of people thought if they came to America, they had to went to college, because people thought, if they did not go to college, they did not succeed in America. Actually this was a bias to many students who prepared colleges. In my opinion if Sookan was in college, she could succeed in American college. In America most of teachers loved students who worked really hard from everything. Of course many teachers loved to just met perfect students, but there are many different students in our lifes. It could be perfect students, it could be hard workers, and it could be just bad students. However hard workers could be much better than before everytime, because they always worked hard for their future. Sookan was one of hard worker, and after she went to college, I believed she could succeed in American college. Because grades were never betray to hard worker. If Sookan was keep working hard than she could succeed in everywhere she wanted. This story was including my story too, and I could understand Sookan, because I was not and I am not perfect student, but I always worked hard to get good grade. Also I am still working on everyday, but I could not get best grade from now. However I never give up, because I believe I could get good grade someday, and I know I will succeed and improve my English skills like Sookan. All of schools works were hard and they always made us troubles, but Sookan would not give up and she would tried hard and hard and she would get good grade from every subject especially in college. Also she could make many different best friends in everywhere like Ellen and Marci.
Sookan, Ellen and Marci would stay with together, because in this story they were very close each other and they always stayed together. Sookan was from Korea, and Ellen and Marci was from America. Therefore Ellen and Marci could help Sookan English skills or if Sookan could not communicate with people Ellen and Marci could help Sookan everytime anywhere. Sookan, Ellen and Marci could help each other for their friendships. Also if they graduated school than they could call each other for their friendships. From my experience if I made many different best friends in school, I was never end my friendships with my friends. We always ask about our life each other for friend and if it happened bad, we worried each other, because we are friends. Also after Sookan, Ellen and Marci graduated all of schools than they could do business together in America. I read many newspapers before, but there were many people who did business with their best friends. They worked together, they thought together, and they made company together. Friends could do everything they wanted. Also friendships were never brake up, because they knew each other and they believed each other.
I could understand Sookan a lot in this story, because I also from Korea and Sookan had hard life in that time. However she worked hard for her succeed life and for her families. Sookan was not good at English and she could not about American cultures, but she always tried her best. Also she knew that she had bad English skills, and she worked really hard everyday. She was really sick when she was studying, but she did not care about her health, and she only cared about her better grades. I could see that she really wanted to get better grade every single time. I never seen hard worker could not succeed, so Sookan could succeed her life in this story. Practice makes perfect. Sookan was practicing and she never gave up, so she could be perfect. Also her friendships were going to never brake up, because Sookan was really polite to everybody, and Sookan could make more friends. Sookan would not know about America, but she tried to know everytime. Also she always talked about she is going to succeed for her families in Korea. She could be best perfect student in whole life.