Monday, November 9, 2015


Capturing the Before

 When I was in under the JJW building, I saw many people but I can saw on of title Capturing  the before. I read through whole explanation, and saw eight photographers about photos. These photographs were all came from 'Capturing the Before'. Capturing means the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property, so in my opinion they wanted to explain our society and our life by photographs.
 I can felt many things from many photographs, because most of pictures were very lonely and felt they need many helps from our community. Also I thought there were many darkness and brightness that tried to escape dark to light. This means they were in dark and nobody can helped, but they tried to escape their lonely place and tried to go out to our big community and fight with them. Many people were there to saw many photographs and we can felt peaceful. Also photographs made me to returned my life and our communities.

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