Monday, November 16, 2015

The Best of Time to Watch Peter Pan

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The Best of Time to Watch Peter Pan
          Many people read book of ‘Peter Pan’ and they know story from ‘Peter Pan’. However  in Cheshire Academy theater they made story more interesting with a lot of imagination. When I was in eight grade, I tried theater of pit band. I did not perform and did not memorize any dialogues, but I saw that they worked hard and tried to make perfect during theater. Before I watched ‘Peter Pan’ I knew that theater characters were working really hard to memorize all of dialogues and they practiced to make perfect. Also if they performed, they wanted to show no mistakes and show how much time they took to make perfect theater. In theater there were happy and beautiful Wendy house. There was Mrs. Darling, Mr. Darling, John and Michael, and dog named Nana. The stars were shining brightly one night, and  Peter Pan came to Wendy house to find his shadow. However Wendy heard Peter Pan’s voice, so she tried to talk with Peter Pan. Peter Pan needed help to sew shadow to Peter Pan. Because of that relation, Peter asked to Wendy to take a journey to Neverland and Wendy heard about flying to Neverland, so she woke John and Michael to fly to Neverland.
          However in Neverland, Captain Hook made a plan to catch Peter Pan, because during Captain Hook was fought with Peter Pan, he lost one of his hands, and the crocodile ate one of his hand. After crocodile ate Captian Hook’s hand, crocodile always follows Captian Hook with sounds with clock to eat other hand. After that happened Captian Hook felt nervous from crocodile and always tried to hide when clock sounds came out, so  he climbed a burning hatred for Peter Pan. The master plan of Captian Hook for catching the virus was Peter Pan. In other words, Peter Pan kidnapped Indian chiefs daughter who lives in the woods and found out the home of Peter Pan and orphans to intimidate them, to raid the place. Wendy, John Michael told  Peter Pan to take them back to their home, because  their parents could be  worried and waiting for them. Mrs. Darling was waiting and did not close the window because she guessed that Wendy, John and Michael will come back through the window. Mrs. Darling heard Peter Pan’s voice. Peter Pan told Mrs. Darling that he wanted to be with Wendy, John and Michael. They could have  come with him but Mrs. Darling told no to Peter Pan, because she knew it could be dangerous. At the end, a year later they promised that Wendy, John and Michael would visit Neverland once a year.
After I watched this whole theater, I felt they prepared it really well and practiced really hard. Their organization of stories was really good and they did not make us bored. They put many interesting characters in ‘Peter Pan’. My favorite performer was John Jiang and Mr. Porter. John Jiang was Mr. Darling and curly Mr. Porter was faculty pirates. I loved their jokes and they made all of us watching laugh. We did not get bored because of John Jiang and Mr. Porter. Also Mr. Porter was not the main character, but many people laughed at Mr. Porter and his dialogues were not that long, but I still can remember. Also John Jiang is from China, but he performed like real American. His acting was really interesting and perfect. I hope in Cheshire Academy there are many more theaters from now. Also I hope there are many different performers come out between Cheshire Academy students.


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