Thursday, March 3, 2016

In-class writing

 In my opinion Pobby and Dingan are not real. However in this story many different character mentioned about Pobby and Dingan are like real people. In this story Kellyanne was Ashomal's sister. At first Kellyanne imagined about Pobby and Dingan, and she believed that they are real people.  However narrator Ashomal did not want to believe that Pobby and Dingan are real people. "They never existed. Things that never existed can't be dead right?" Dingan knew Pobby and Dingan are not real people. Also at first Kellyanne's father did not believe Pobby and Dingan. "Aw, sorry, princess. Did I tread on your fairy-friends?" However father asked questions about Pobby and Dingan to Kellyanne. Therefore after that happened father also believed Pobby and Dingan. "Well, I got to admit it was a funny sight seeing my dad heading out holding hands with two invisible people." Ashomal did not believe at all about Pobby and Dingan. His father got angry, because Kellyanne was mad at father. Father left Dingan and Pobby. Father became crazy. I think Pobby and Dingan are just imagination of Kellyanne's invisible friends. Kellyanne did not have many friends. I guess maybe she's lonely with no friends or have many creativity thinking a in her mind. I hope many characters are not become crazy because of about Pobby and Dingan.

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