Friday, May 27, 2016

800 words analysis poem/Final draft

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Special Expression from Poem
“Fire and Ice”, I did not know about this poem at first. During class when we tried to find poem, so I asked to my girlfriend’s favorite poem. Therefore “Fire and Ice” was one of her favorite poems. I searched about “Fire and Ice”, and I felt some special expression from this poem. “Fire and Ice” is a lyric poem centering on destructive emotions. At first I could not understand about this poem, and even did not know some of difficult vocabulary in this poem. However I wanted to figure out everything, and wanted to present this poem in front of class. This poem had very interesting topics. It included fire and ice inside of a poem, and I loved both fire and ice. I was very anxious about this poem, but after it makes me understand better than first time. "Fire and Ice" which is 9 lines of poem written by Robert Frost which contrast with opinion which are the world can end in people's passion and desire, and the world will be destroy by frustration, and people's failures.
The writer of “Fire and Ice” is Robert Frost. “Fire and Ice” is his best known poem, and except “Fire and Ice’, he wrote many different famous poems. Robert Frost wrote “Fire and Ice” in the December 1920. It appeared in New Hampshire, a collection of his poems published at New York in 1923. The poem describes some people say that the world will end in fire, and some people who say it will end in ice. Robert Frost explained how life on earth would be end with. I felt kind of sad, and nervous when I heard this poem at first. I thought moreover with fire and ice in this poem. Fire can be like global warming, people’s passions, and strong desire. Ice can be like nuclear winter, freedom, and feather. I felt this poem is like examples of our life disaster, and people’s own passions in the future. Also this poem is one of the examples of our life, because sometimes we felt hot and sometimes we felt cold. In my opinion Robert Frost thought much different daily life with fire and ice, explained with beautiful rhymes, and write perfect poem.
“Fire and Ice” is only nine lines long poem, and this little poem is a brilliant example of many people’s daily life style with show future disaster. The poem varies between two meter lengths and uses three sets of interwoven rhymes, based on “-ire,” “-ice,” and “-ate.” In this poem writer used end rhyme in each sentences. Each line contains either four or eight syllables, and can be read naturally as strongly, but this is not strictly for several lines. Robert Frost wrote this poem very strongly and clearly to include many people’s daily life. In the first two lines of the poem, speaker explained about two groups of people believe in each element. These two sentences were individual ideas of many people. It is not clear which element will destroy the world with fire or ice. “Fire and Ice” combines with humor, fury, detachment, and forthrightness. I really liked those lines that used many rhymes with interesting vocabulary. The line 7 “To say that for destruction ice” which told strong opinion, and need for the perfect letdown to end “Fire and Ice”. “Fire and Ice” is in iambic tetrameter. It showed lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and iambic dimeter showed lines 2, 8, and 9. Some SAY (1)... the WORLD (2) … will END (3) … in FIRE (4).
When I read and looked over this poem at first, it was very confused and hard to understand. However I had to memorize, and read this poem in front of this poem. Also when I looked this poem, I saw very strong vocabulary like desire, perish, and destruction. This seems like world will be destroy by frustration, and it might be people’s failures. For this project I had to understand this poem perfectly. I searched this poem, and I tried to understand this poem really hard. Also when I read this poem in front of class, I chose sad and quiet music. I thought this poem showed destructive emotions, and frustration emotion. I thought sad mood of music would be better choice. For this project I learned much knowledge from this poem, and I learned in short poem there are many meanings for our life. Also from this poem I felt world can destroy in people’s passion, and desire. From now I am going to reduce my desire, and think about this poem every time. Maybe In the future I am going to write my own poem about part 2 of “Fire and Ice” with my hard life, and share with many people.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thesis Statment

"Fire and Ice" which is 9 lines of poem that contrast with opinion which are the world can end in people's passion and desire, and the world will be destroy by frustration, and people's failures.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Poem review for Annie

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Peer Review for Annie
           There are many poems in the world that we can read, but many poems are different, and have many special meanings in each line. However Annie explained about this poem really well, and she wrote very specific about poems. She also putted outside information about “A Small Needful Fact”. Annie started her essay really well. First Annie started with her ideas, and thesis of this poem. She did not put actual hook, but she organized poem analysis really well. She putted actual quotations in poem’s title, and important words in poem. She putted analysis of poem in each body paragraphs. I really liked that she putted her own opinion after analysis, and she explained very specifically about characters in this poem. I heard this poem from her during class, and I tried to read through entire poem. However it was very hard to understand and poem include humanities, but Annie wrote very long, and seems like she has great understanding. She’s analysis was very specific with her own opinions of poem.
After introduction Annie explained about character of poem every specifically. She analysis this poem with character. Also she explained emotions in this poem. However she keeps wrote similar story in every paragraph. She has to make short summary with her opinion, because she has long paragraphs about poem. She can make shorter than before. She also explained rhyme of poem, sounds of poem, and symbol of referring hope at the end of the poem. However in this paragraph there are few of punctuation mistakes. In this paragraph sentences were too long. You have to separate your sentences with period, because you kept use comma, and continued sentences, but these problems make sentence really long. She also has grammar mistakes during sentences. Sometime she putted past tenses, but sometime she putted present tenses. However she actually putted past tenses more, so she can fix it all to past tenses. Last she had more information to find it in other website, but she did not put citations.  
            She putted much information for analysis poem, but there were many punctuation mistakes, and few of grammar mistakes. In first draft of essay many people can mistakes, and it is not perfect essay. However after go over first draft she can learn something from my peer review, and fix her mistakes. Annie putted her own conclusion with her own opinions, but she’s conclusion is not very clear. Also at the end of her essay was not organized in last paragraphs. She can fix more clear conclusions, punctuations, grammar mistakes, and more organization at the end of paragraph. Annie started with her introduction, but I think she can make stronger thesis statement in her essay. She wrote much information, and searched it many different information about “A Small Needful Fact” poem. She has few of mistakes in each paragraph, but she started with great analysis about this poem. If she fixes few of mistakes, it will become perfect final draft. She started really great, with her clear opinions.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Theater Review

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Last Theater in This Year
In Friday night I went to watch theater with my friends. I heard this theater about comedy for laughing. In every end of seasons our school prepare theater, and many people go to watch theater. Ms. Guarino is head of theater department, and she has many different ideas of theater every seasons. I did not performed in theater, but I was one of the members in pit band in the winter, and last year winter. Both of theaters were very interesting topics for me, and also these comedy theater was awesome too.
          I actually still have big problems to understand fast English during theater or many  American news. However most of scene was very easy to understand, and each of scenes have fun, and interesting topics for many people. It seems like many crew members and actors worked really hard. Especially crew members had to control lights, musics, and volumes for actors. It is very hard to control all these things without practice, but they did perfect jobs like profession real crews, and they were not like high school students. Also there were many scenes during 2 hours half minutes, but actors did not make any mistakes during 2 hours. It seems they practice really hard, and worked really hard each other.
         There was my favorite scene at the end of theater. It was morning meeting scene. I loved that they pretended to show our school morning meeting with parody many teachers and students. My favorite parts were Ms. Anderson, and Mr. Dykeman's part. They wore same clothes like both teachers, and they action perfectly. Mr. Dykeman was John Jiang who is my favorite actors in most of theaters. He worked really hard, and his first language is not English, but he tried to make perfect English pronouns every time. From his hard work we can enjoy theater during 2 hours half minutes. I hope there are many theathers coming out in the future at Cheshire Academy. Also maybe next year I might try actor in theater. I don't have good ability to make perfect right over, but I will work really hard if I become actor, and I will never give up.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Poem analysis due -- first draft -- 600 words.

Minseung Kim


Ms. Guarino

English II (IS) - 2

Special Expression from Poem

“Fire and Ice”, I did not know about this poem at first. During class when we tried to find poem, I asked to my girlfriend’s favorite poem. Therefore fire and Ice was one of her favorite poems. I searched about “Fire and Ice”, and I felt some special expression from this poem. “Fire and Ice” is a lyric poem centering on destructive emotions. At first I could not understand about this poem, and even did not know some of vocabulary in this poem. However I wanted to figure out everything, and wanted to present this poem in front of class. Also this poem has very interesting topics. It includes fire and ice inside of poem, and I love both fire and ice. I was very anxious about this poem, but after it makes me understand better than first time. "Fire and Ice" showed about world can end in fire and ice with people's strong opinion.

The writer of “Fire and Ice” is Robert Frost. “Fire and Ice” is his best known poem, and except “Fire and Ice’, he wrote many different famous poems. Robert Frost wrote “Fire and Ice” in the December 1920, and in 1923, it appeared in New Hampshire, a collection of his poems published in New York. The poem describes some people say that the world will end in fire, and some people who say it will end in ice. Robert Frost explained how life on earth would be end with. I felt kind of sad when I heard this poem at first. I thought moreover with fire and ice in this poem. Fire can be like global warming, and ice can be like nuclear winter. I felt this poem is like examples of our life disaster in the future. Also this poem is one of the examples of our life, because sometimes we felt hot and sometimes we felt cold. In my opinion Robert Frost thought much different daily life with fire and ice, explained with beautiful rhymes, and write perfect poem.
“Fire and Ice” is only nine lines long poem, and this little poem is a brilliant example of many people’s daily life style with show future disaster. The poem varies between two meter lengths and uses three sets of interwoven rhymes, based on “-ire,” “-ice,” and “-ate.” In this poem writer used end rhyme in each sentences. Each line contains either four or eight syllables, and can be read naturally as strongly, but this is not strictly for several lines. Robert Frost wrote this poem very strongly and clearly to include many people’s daily life. In the first two lines of the poem, speaker explained about two groups of people believe in each element. These two sentences were individual ideas of many people. It is not clear which element will destroy the world with fire or ice. “Fire and Ice” combines with humor, fury, detachment, and forthrightness. I really liked those lines that used many rhymes with interesting vocabulary. The line 7 “To say that for destruction ice” which told strong opinion, and need for the perfect letdown to end “Fire and Ice”. “Fire and Ice” is in iambic tetrameter. It showed lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and iambic dimeter showed lines 2, 8, and 9. Some SAY (1)... the WORLD (2) … will END (3) … in FIRE (4).
When I read and looked over this poem at first, it was very confused and hard to understand. However I had to memorize, and read this poem in front of this poem. For this project I had to understand this poem perfectly. I searched this poem, and I tried to understand this poem really hard. Also when I read this poem in front of class, I chose sad and quiet music. I thought this poem showed destructive emotions, and for these emotions, I thought sad mood of music would be better choice. For this project I learned much knowledge from this poem, and I learned in short poem there are many meanings for our life. In the future I am going to write my own poem include with my hard life, and share with many people.

Fire and Ice/Class Poem

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Some say the world will end in fire, 
Some say in ice. 
From what I’ve tasted of desire 
I hold with those who favor fire. 
But if it had to perish twice, 
I think I know enough of hate 
To say that for destruction ice 
Is also great 
And would suffice.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Found Poem 2

Dorms at Cheshire Academy are more than just a place to sleep and study. These residential homes are also a place to unwind, study, talk to friends, listen to music, play games and find time to be alone. Living together on campus helps students and faculty to bond and forge lifelong connections. Friendships built here continue long after graduation.

Cheshire Academy is more
than just place to sleep and study.
Talk to friends listen to music,
and play games.
Students and faculties share life

We all live together
We all stay together
It helps to connect 
It helps to communicate
Friendships built in Cheshire Acadmey

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Found poem assignment: Make a paragraph into a poem

Dreams are just like flowers,we can't imagine our life without and as such we have to take care of just as we do with flowers to grow up as we want. Every one in this life has his own dreams and lam that one who has alot of dreams and l would like all my dreams to come true one day. One of my dreams is to take a trip around the world, so that l would be able to get knowledge and insight about that an unknown world for me.

Dreams are just like flowers,
we can't imagine our life without
We have to take care just we do
with flowers to grow up.

Every one in this life
has his own dreamsand lam that one
who has a lot of dreams and I would like
all my dreams to come true day.

One of my dreams is to take a trip
around the world,
so I would be able to get knowledge
and insight about that
an unknown world for me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

In class writing/ My Father and the Fig Tree

     For father this fig is very special, and has a wish to Allah in this poem. Fig is one of delicious, and sweattest fruit. However father thought this figs are one of earth gifts from Allah, and he kinds of pray with fig to Allah. He feels very important about fig, and tries to keep many figs for himself, family and Allah. Father taught about his religion to his family include with special figs. Father wants to show how figs are important to him to his son, and his family. He wants to be special, and he doesn't want to be normal person. He kept moving home for finding many figs, and for that dream he worked really hard to find largest, fattest, and sweetest figtrees in the world for his dream, for his family and for his belief.
     In my opinion he thinks this figs are hope, and dream for this father, and he shows that biggest, and very special figtrees for his family. Also for father figs are life of big natures. He believes one of religions Allah, and follows their cultures. Father dream was about get the largest, fattest, and sweetest fig. For them they thinks that figs are tokens, emblems, assurance of a world that was always his own with many different special figs in the world. For this father figs are one of dreams for him, and one of symbolize for him.  Also I guess he thinks more culture include with figs, and has wish for safe with specialize for him.