Monday, May 23, 2016

Theater Review

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Last Theater in This Year
In Friday night I went to watch theater with my friends. I heard this theater about comedy for laughing. In every end of seasons our school prepare theater, and many people go to watch theater. Ms. Guarino is head of theater department, and she has many different ideas of theater every seasons. I did not performed in theater, but I was one of the members in pit band in the winter, and last year winter. Both of theaters were very interesting topics for me, and also these comedy theater was awesome too.
          I actually still have big problems to understand fast English during theater or many  American news. However most of scene was very easy to understand, and each of scenes have fun, and interesting topics for many people. It seems like many crew members and actors worked really hard. Especially crew members had to control lights, musics, and volumes for actors. It is very hard to control all these things without practice, but they did perfect jobs like profession real crews, and they were not like high school students. Also there were many scenes during 2 hours half minutes, but actors did not make any mistakes during 2 hours. It seems they practice really hard, and worked really hard each other.
         There was my favorite scene at the end of theater. It was morning meeting scene. I loved that they pretended to show our school morning meeting with parody many teachers and students. My favorite parts were Ms. Anderson, and Mr. Dykeman's part. They wore same clothes like both teachers, and they action perfectly. Mr. Dykeman was John Jiang who is my favorite actors in most of theaters. He worked really hard, and his first language is not English, but he tried to make perfect English pronouns every time. From his hard work we can enjoy theater during 2 hours half minutes. I hope there are many theathers coming out in the future at Cheshire Academy. Also maybe next year I might try actor in theater. I don't have good ability to make perfect right over, but I will work really hard if I become actor, and I will never give up.

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