Friday, May 27, 2016

800 words analysis poem/Final draft

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Special Expression from Poem
“Fire and Ice”, I did not know about this poem at first. During class when we tried to find poem, so I asked to my girlfriend’s favorite poem. Therefore “Fire and Ice” was one of her favorite poems. I searched about “Fire and Ice”, and I felt some special expression from this poem. “Fire and Ice” is a lyric poem centering on destructive emotions. At first I could not understand about this poem, and even did not know some of difficult vocabulary in this poem. However I wanted to figure out everything, and wanted to present this poem in front of class. This poem had very interesting topics. It included fire and ice inside of a poem, and I loved both fire and ice. I was very anxious about this poem, but after it makes me understand better than first time. "Fire and Ice" which is 9 lines of poem written by Robert Frost which contrast with opinion which are the world can end in people's passion and desire, and the world will be destroy by frustration, and people's failures.
The writer of “Fire and Ice” is Robert Frost. “Fire and Ice” is his best known poem, and except “Fire and Ice’, he wrote many different famous poems. Robert Frost wrote “Fire and Ice” in the December 1920. It appeared in New Hampshire, a collection of his poems published at New York in 1923. The poem describes some people say that the world will end in fire, and some people who say it will end in ice. Robert Frost explained how life on earth would be end with. I felt kind of sad, and nervous when I heard this poem at first. I thought moreover with fire and ice in this poem. Fire can be like global warming, people’s passions, and strong desire. Ice can be like nuclear winter, freedom, and feather. I felt this poem is like examples of our life disaster, and people’s own passions in the future. Also this poem is one of the examples of our life, because sometimes we felt hot and sometimes we felt cold. In my opinion Robert Frost thought much different daily life with fire and ice, explained with beautiful rhymes, and write perfect poem.
“Fire and Ice” is only nine lines long poem, and this little poem is a brilliant example of many people’s daily life style with show future disaster. The poem varies between two meter lengths and uses three sets of interwoven rhymes, based on “-ire,” “-ice,” and “-ate.” In this poem writer used end rhyme in each sentences. Each line contains either four or eight syllables, and can be read naturally as strongly, but this is not strictly for several lines. Robert Frost wrote this poem very strongly and clearly to include many people’s daily life. In the first two lines of the poem, speaker explained about two groups of people believe in each element. These two sentences were individual ideas of many people. It is not clear which element will destroy the world with fire or ice. “Fire and Ice” combines with humor, fury, detachment, and forthrightness. I really liked those lines that used many rhymes with interesting vocabulary. The line 7 “To say that for destruction ice” which told strong opinion, and need for the perfect letdown to end “Fire and Ice”. “Fire and Ice” is in iambic tetrameter. It showed lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and iambic dimeter showed lines 2, 8, and 9. Some SAY (1)... the WORLD (2) … will END (3) … in FIRE (4).
When I read and looked over this poem at first, it was very confused and hard to understand. However I had to memorize, and read this poem in front of this poem. Also when I looked this poem, I saw very strong vocabulary like desire, perish, and destruction. This seems like world will be destroy by frustration, and it might be people’s failures. For this project I had to understand this poem perfectly. I searched this poem, and I tried to understand this poem really hard. Also when I read this poem in front of class, I chose sad and quiet music. I thought this poem showed destructive emotions, and frustration emotion. I thought sad mood of music would be better choice. For this project I learned much knowledge from this poem, and I learned in short poem there are many meanings for our life. Also from this poem I felt world can destroy in people’s passion, and desire. From now I am going to reduce my desire, and think about this poem every time. Maybe In the future I am going to write my own poem about part 2 of “Fire and Ice” with my hard life, and share with many people.

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