Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Poem review for Annie

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Peer Review for Annie
           There are many poems in the world that we can read, but many poems are different, and have many special meanings in each line. However Annie explained about this poem really well, and she wrote very specific about poems. She also putted outside information about “A Small Needful Fact”. Annie started her essay really well. First Annie started with her ideas, and thesis of this poem. She did not put actual hook, but she organized poem analysis really well. She putted actual quotations in poem’s title, and important words in poem. She putted analysis of poem in each body paragraphs. I really liked that she putted her own opinion after analysis, and she explained very specifically about characters in this poem. I heard this poem from her during class, and I tried to read through entire poem. However it was very hard to understand and poem include humanities, but Annie wrote very long, and seems like she has great understanding. She’s analysis was very specific with her own opinions of poem.
After introduction Annie explained about character of poem every specifically. She analysis this poem with character. Also she explained emotions in this poem. However she keeps wrote similar story in every paragraph. She has to make short summary with her opinion, because she has long paragraphs about poem. She can make shorter than before. She also explained rhyme of poem, sounds of poem, and symbol of referring hope at the end of the poem. However in this paragraph there are few of punctuation mistakes. In this paragraph sentences were too long. You have to separate your sentences with period, because you kept use comma, and continued sentences, but these problems make sentence really long. She also has grammar mistakes during sentences. Sometime she putted past tenses, but sometime she putted present tenses. However she actually putted past tenses more, so she can fix it all to past tenses. Last she had more information to find it in other website, but she did not put citations.  
            She putted much information for analysis poem, but there were many punctuation mistakes, and few of grammar mistakes. In first draft of essay many people can mistakes, and it is not perfect essay. However after go over first draft she can learn something from my peer review, and fix her mistakes. Annie putted her own conclusion with her own opinions, but she’s conclusion is not very clear. Also at the end of her essay was not organized in last paragraphs. She can fix more clear conclusions, punctuations, grammar mistakes, and more organization at the end of paragraph. Annie started with her introduction, but I think she can make stronger thesis statement in her essay. She wrote much information, and searched it many different information about “A Small Needful Fact” poem. She has few of mistakes in each paragraph, but she started with great analysis about this poem. If she fixes few of mistakes, it will become perfect final draft. She started really great, with her clear opinions.

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