Friday, April 29, 2016

Haiku 3 lines

Sunshine stay with peace,
Spring bring hope with blossom
Believe, you can fly!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Alone Poem by Edgar Allan Poe



From childhood's hour I have not been

As others were; I have not seen

As others saw; I could not bring

My passions from a common spring.

From the same source I have not taken

My sorrow; I could not awaken

My heart to joy at the same tone;

And all I loved, I loved alone.

Then- in my childhood, in the dawn

Of a most stormy life- was drawn

From every depth of good and ill

The mystery which binds me still:

From the torrent, or the fountain,

From the red cliff of the mountain,

From the sun that round me rolled

In its autumn tint of gold,

From the lightning in the sky

As it passed me flying by,

From the thunder and the storm,

And the cloud that took the form

(When the rest of Heaven was blue)

Of a demon in my view.


     This poem is about perspective of an adult looking back on his childhood. When I looked at this poem at first, I felt really sad for his childhood. He was very different, and special than other people. He had no friends, and he was alone. Therefore he loved alone, and he was always very dark. First I thought about tone of this poem. The tone of this poem was very somber, recollection, and very dark. The poem consists of 11 rhyming couplets. The first four lines demonstrate the rhyming pattern. I also really liked this rhyming pattern of this poem, because it showed really good expressions of his situation in childhood. In each of sentences there are 8 syllables of beats in this poem. There are no stanzas in this poem. It has only one paragraph, and there are 22 lines in this poem. Also the form for this poem is AA, BB, CC, DD, EE. I really liked that there are many repetitions in this poem. For example mostly it started with as others, I have not, and from. From CHILD.. hood’s HOUR.. I HAVE.. not BEEN. This sentence was demonstrating the pattern of meter. In my opinion since his childhood, he has been unlike others. He had his own emotions, but he did not develop with many people. He was alone most of the time, and he was melancholy child. Every time he says that he loved alone. However he wanted many different friends like other people. He was too special for many people. Also I could think about this situation when I read this poem. He felt encourage about himself after he knew that there was hope for him. Also in line 9 ‘Then- in my childhood, in the dawn.’ In the dawn I think it means about hope in his stormy life, and hard life without his family. However when he became adult he married, and he had wife with baby to stay with him. I really liked this poem, and it felt me life is hard, but there is hope in everywhere.



Collars are choking,

Pants are expensive,

Jackets are itchy and hot,

So tattooin' Ruth tattooed me a suit.

Now folks think I'm dressed-

When I'm not

     I did not take long time to chose this poem called TATTOOIN RUTH. I really liked title, because I knew what is tattoo, and my friends did tattoo in their many different body parts. I read this poem, and I really could understand why this man wrote this poem. This poem is about feeling when they do tattoo. I knew this feeling, because I never did tattoo, but I heard this feeling from my friends who did tattoo on their bodies. It was very interesting, because this poem writer putted really fit words, and made rhymes. Also this poem is very short, and it seems like simple. However if some people know tattoo, they will know why this poem is very interesting, and explained with great expressions. Also it was very easy to understand this poem in right away, and I did not get confuse when I read this poem. I felt most of poems are hard and poems were very hard to understand at first, but after I read this poem, I could feel this poem make me easy to understand with great expressions. I really liked this poem, and I also want to write these kind of poem in the future.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Reflection Paper

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The Challenge Creative Project
During class we read and watched Pobby and Dingan. There were many different chapters and scenes in each part of book and movie. However in each part of sections I felt different feelings, so I thought about make different feeling of musics. In the story there were many important characters in each scenes. We watched movie called Opal Dream. This movie is similar with Pobby and Dingan. However in the movie there were many background musics covered. I could focus movie more than book, because I could see each of character’s feeling with many different music categories. For example many characters have different moods in each section. There might be happy, exciting, sad, scary, and strong music in each of scenes. When I watched movie I felt that maybe I could make music and put in my own film shortly. Also I can play clarinet, and I am one of musicians. I thought it might be challenge, but I could try. However I never made music before, so I tried to get help from my music teachers. I really wanted to make my own music from my own feeling about this story. Therefore I’m going to make 3 different kinds of musics about important beginning part, middle part, and ending parts about this story.
At first I thought it would be impossible to make my own music, and it would be my own dream by myself about making music. However I really wanted to make music by my feelings, so I started big challenge just with my big music passions. I started to think what kind of musics I had to make, and I listened many different categories of songs. I asked to music teachers about making musics, and they talked about melodies first, because there are many melodies in each of musics. Also melodies always start to make many different musics. Therefore I just listened many different sometimes beautiful musics, sometimes sad musics, and sometimes strong musics for my own musics. I have music class everyday during school day, so if I needed help, I could get help from my music teachers. However I played my clarinet, and tried to find great melodies. Therefore I thought about great melodies every time, and tried to make melodies. I felt very hard to find great melodies about this story, so finally I thought I needed help. My music teacher played piano, and played many different melodies for me. There was one melody that really fit with Pobby and Dingan. That melody was very mystery, and it started with very sad. I could imagine Ashmol, because I remembered Ashmol went to claim by himself to find Pobby and Dingan for Kellyanne. This melody was perfect about this part of stories. After I heard that melody, I tried to find clarinet notes’ for my own music. Also I tried to develop my first music, because it was only first part of melody, and I wanted to make longer than the second measures. It took long time to make first music, because I had to practice my own music to record, and I tried to make other melodies. Also I connected with many different great melodies for fit with story. My music teachers helped me to record together. They played piano for me, and I played clarinet. It was very hard to play together, and record together. I wanted perfect, so I practiced really hard with my music teachers. Also in my second song, I made similar melodies, but I changed major of key. It could make different feelings when I changed major. I did not know about this knowledge before making my own music. I learned a lot about music during project. I think my music skills improved with my own musics. I worked really hard, and I thought really hard. I went music room every day, and most of afternoon time to work on my musics.
There was harder part than making music at the last. I wanted to make short film with putted pictures. It was really hard part to find pictures, because I wanted many different parts that include with my musics. I took almost every day to find pictures. I added more pictures every day, and I could find most of pictures. At first I almost gave up to find many different pictures, but I worked hard and tried really hard every time. Therefore I finished my own musics, and I finished finding pictures. I putted together my musics, pictures and my passions in this project. My strong strengths were never giving up and worked really hard every time for perfect project. For my weakness this was my first making musics, but I made 3 great musics. I got help from music teachers, but I worked most of it, so I did not feel like I got help from music teachers. Next time I want to find great melodies by myself without help, because this time my music teachers helped me to find one of melodies I used. Also I can make longer and harder music in the future. It might be really cool musics will come out by myself.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Progress of Creative Project

     Last week was first draft of creative project, and I showed 2 musics that I made. Most of feedback for me was that include picture with music, and try to explain music's emotions. Also which characters include with music. Therefore I actually try to find pictures of Pobby and Dingan's characters. Especially I wanted to find Ashmol went down to claim and try to find Pobby and Dingan. However I could not find Ashmol's pictures. I am going to work on one more music more specially, because some of people wrote feedback that if all 3 musics melodies are same, it is going to be boring. I also thought about that. However making musics are thinking, and very creative every time. Therefore I might work hard for my last music, and maybe I might put my one of music for James group, but we have to talk about this more I guess.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Proposal Due for Creative Project

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Proposal Due for Creative Project
In this creative project, I want to make background music for Pobby and Dingan. At first I worried about making music, because I never make music before by myself, and I knew it will be hard. Also I have no group. Only I am going to make my own music by myself. It might be harder. However I thought, this will be my first challenge for make my own music, and I can make better music at the future. I think this story is very mystery, because at the first of story, Kellyanne could see invisible friends Pobby and Dingan. However her father Rex lost Pobby and Dingan in his claim. She worried too much about Pobby and Dingan, so she got sick. Therefore she asked to Ashmol to find Pobby and Dingan for her in her father’s claim, so he went to claim by himself at late night. I want to make very scary music too, because Ashmol went claim by himself, and he found some evidence of Pobby and Dingan might be real. He could not believe Pobby and Dingan at first, but in the claim there were chocolate bars and Dingan’s opal inside of claim. I want to make very sad, and scary music mostly start to Kellyanne, and end to death of Pobby and Dingan.
            Actually I never make music before. When I was young, I tried to make my own music, but I gave up. It was very confused and hard to make my own music. Therefore I am going to ask to Mrs. Digiacomo about making my own sad music about Pobby and Dingan. This project might be hard for me, because I might think many different music ideas, and prepare perfect music for this project. I am going to go extra help both English and music teachers, and ask about how can I put this music in the story. I might going to make perfect own music for myself, Kellyanne, Ashmol, Pobby and Dingan. I am going to learn more about music, and look forward of my music ability. Also I can feel more about Ashmol's feeling in claim alone, and Pobby and Dingan's reality.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Powerful Ability of Opal

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The Powerful Ability of Opal
For Ashmol’s family opals were very important, because every happening were included with opal in every scenes. Australian Geograpic quote says "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." The most important thing in opals are not only colors. There are many different powerful ability with turly meaning inside of opal.  It can have secret power inside. In my opinion inside of opals are very special and very secret with powerful ability to include with Ashmol’s family.
In the book Pobby and Dingan Ashmol’s father Rex was always trying to find opal in Lightning Ridge. Rex brought her wife Annie with his family in small poor town. Every single day Rex had big thinking of opal, because he knew that he had to protect his family and earn money for something. Therefore he felt more important about opal to protect his family. He worked really hard to find expensive opal for earn money. Rex’s wife Annie was in England, but she came to Australia because of Rex. She believed Rex and followed him, but Rex could not find opals a lot, so she missed her ex boyfriend and worried about her family.  I think in the opals there are strong power to make people crazy or have big ability for protect somebody. Especially like Rex. He tried to make profit for family with opal.
Also Kellyanne asked to Ashmol to find Pobby and Dingan in the claim at midnight, so Ashmol went to claim to find Pobby and Dingan for Kellyanne. He went down to claim at midnight, but for real he smelts somethings, so he followed smell, and he found the wrapper of a Violet Crumble chocolate bars under the claim. Therefore he tried to search more about Pobby and Dingan, and finally he found definite provision about Pobby and Dingan. It was opal. All of provisons were together, and Ashmol become that there might be Pobby and Dingan. That opal was Dingan’s opal. That opal was very beautiful and very expensive opal, but Kellyanne did not want to sell it. Therefore he did not sell and used to prepare for funeral with opal. Ashmol believes that he is not doing wrong, and helped Kellyanne, Pobby and Dingan for good ways.
In my opinion opal’s powerful abilities are very amazing and sometimes very scary. In the book Pobby and Dingan Kellyanne dead at the ending of story. Her imaginary characters Pobby and Dingan make her dead, but I think Dingan’s opal had powerful ablitiy. Also sometimes opal make people crazy, and using good ways. For Rex, opal is very important for his life and his family’s life, and for Ashmol, opal can protect families, and helped her sister Kellyanne, Pobby and Dingan’s funeral. Inside of opal there are many different power, but sometimes it helped, but sometimes it gave unluck. Kellyanne, Pobby and Dingan might stay in beautiful and colorful opal to protect their families.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Different of book and film

   First in the film it was happy ending, because the fat man helped to prepare the funereal, so Ashmol could organize funereal and prepared funereal with his mom and dad. Also many people came to funereal and said sorry to Kellyanne for Pobby and Dingan. However in the book it was very sad story, because at first the fat man did not give back the opal to Ashmol. This was the beginning of sad story, and Kellyanne dead at last. Also old Sid did not show up in the funereal, so both film and book have different ending story, happy and bad ending.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Pobby and Dingan Chapter 8~12 Quiz

2. What connection does Ashmol make between the land covered with seawater and Pobby and Dingan? Why is that important to the story?

- When Ashmol went to opal place to find Pobby and Dingan, he remembered Ashmol father Rex, told Ashmol something; He told that "All this land where Lightning Ridge is now was once covered by seawater and how all kinds of sea creatures had been found fossilized in the rock." He "felt a shiver go down my spine just thinking about how strange this was, that a sea was once here where now there is nothing but dry land." He surprised this dry land, so he thought maybe Pobby and Dingan might be exist, because he did not know these facts, so he just thought forward Pobby and Dingan are real maybe.
At the first of story, Ashmol did not believe Pobby and Dingan. He thought they don't exist ever. However when Ashmol went opal place to pretend to find Pobby and Dingan, his mind became little change.   He thought "maybe if this amazing thing was true it was just possible Pobby and Dingan were true too." He did not believe Pobby and Dingan at first, but from this happen his mind became change and it become very important about Pobby and Dingan might be exist or not exist for this descriptions, and this is Ashmol's changing points in this story. Also Ashmol will be find Pobby and Dingan as best he can, and can see Pobby and Dingan or not.

5. In the very end of the novel, Ashmol talks about what it’s like to “believe in something which is hard to see. Or to keep looking for something that’s totally hard to find.” Discuss the importance of imagination and dreams in this novel. Why are they so important even if they cannot be seen. Consider what dreams Rex, the father, and Annie, the mother, have in the story. Consider, also, the dream that Ashmol has. How do those "unseen" dreams connect to Kellyanne's belief in Pobby and Dingan?

- Many people have their own imaginations or dreams, not only in this novel characters have imaginations or dreams. For example Kellyanne have big imaginations about Pobby and Dingan. Kellyanne expect Pobby and Dingan too much, so Kellyanne became sick. All of her family worried Kellyanne especially her father Rex and her brother Ashmol. Kellyanne's father Rex had imaginations with big dreams. Rex bring Kellyanne mom Annie to Lightning Ridge, and in this town it had nothing. There was only desert with nothing. However Rex wanted to be rich and make a lot of money with opal. Also he wanted that his family all become healthy with peaceful life, but especially Kellyanne did not healthy, because of worrying Pobby and Dingan. Rex loved opal, and also he thought, if he work and find great opal, he believe he becomes rich man with his family Kellyanne, his wife Annie, and Ashmol. Rex had a big future dreams with his opal minds. Also Ashmol had imaginations about all of his family stay together with him. At first Ashmol was young, but he understand his mom. He knew that his mom kept remind about England, because she was missing her home, and her beautiful life in England. Ashmol worried his mom, so he prepared to sell opal in holiday for his mom. Ashmol is very nice guy, and he worried about Kellyanne a lot. Kellyanne became sick, because Pobby and Dingan disappeared, so she worried too much and become sick. Therefore Ashmol pretended to find Pobby and Dingan for Kellyanne. However Kellyanne did not believe Ashmol, but still he went to opal place to find Pobby and Dingan for Kellyanne. He worried all of his family and help his family a lot. Also both Rex and Ashmol have imaginations or have their dreams for their families. However Kellyanne have"unseen" dreams and invisible friends Pobby and Dingan. She believes Dingan has opal belly botton, and she always think Pobby and Dingan are stay with her and she wanted to believe every time. In my opinion she was very lonely and she need that someone play with her, stay with her, and protect her. Also she hope that all family stay with her. All of their family want to be safe and stay together with peace.