Sunday, April 10, 2016

Proposal Due for Creative Project

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Proposal Due for Creative Project
In this creative project, I want to make background music for Pobby and Dingan. At first I worried about making music, because I never make music before by myself, and I knew it will be hard. Also I have no group. Only I am going to make my own music by myself. It might be harder. However I thought, this will be my first challenge for make my own music, and I can make better music at the future. I think this story is very mystery, because at the first of story, Kellyanne could see invisible friends Pobby and Dingan. However her father Rex lost Pobby and Dingan in his claim. She worried too much about Pobby and Dingan, so she got sick. Therefore she asked to Ashmol to find Pobby and Dingan for her in her father’s claim, so he went to claim by himself at late night. I want to make very scary music too, because Ashmol went claim by himself, and he found some evidence of Pobby and Dingan might be real. He could not believe Pobby and Dingan at first, but in the claim there were chocolate bars and Dingan’s opal inside of claim. I want to make very sad, and scary music mostly start to Kellyanne, and end to death of Pobby and Dingan.
            Actually I never make music before. When I was young, I tried to make my own music, but I gave up. It was very confused and hard to make my own music. Therefore I am going to ask to Mrs. Digiacomo about making my own sad music about Pobby and Dingan. This project might be hard for me, because I might think many different music ideas, and prepare perfect music for this project. I am going to go extra help both English and music teachers, and ask about how can I put this music in the story. I might going to make perfect own music for myself, Kellyanne, Ashmol, Pobby and Dingan. I am going to learn more about music, and look forward of my music ability. Also I can feel more about Ashmol's feeling in claim alone, and Pobby and Dingan's reality.

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