Thursday, April 28, 2016



Collars are choking,

Pants are expensive,

Jackets are itchy and hot,

So tattooin' Ruth tattooed me a suit.

Now folks think I'm dressed-

When I'm not

     I did not take long time to chose this poem called TATTOOIN RUTH. I really liked title, because I knew what is tattoo, and my friends did tattoo in their many different body parts. I read this poem, and I really could understand why this man wrote this poem. This poem is about feeling when they do tattoo. I knew this feeling, because I never did tattoo, but I heard this feeling from my friends who did tattoo on their bodies. It was very interesting, because this poem writer putted really fit words, and made rhymes. Also this poem is very short, and it seems like simple. However if some people know tattoo, they will know why this poem is very interesting, and explained with great expressions. Also it was very easy to understand this poem in right away, and I did not get confuse when I read this poem. I felt most of poems are hard and poems were very hard to understand at first, but after I read this poem, I could feel this poem make me easy to understand with great expressions. I really liked this poem, and I also want to write these kind of poem in the future.

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