Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Reflection Paper

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The Challenge Creative Project
During class we read and watched Pobby and Dingan. There were many different chapters and scenes in each part of book and movie. However in each part of sections I felt different feelings, so I thought about make different feeling of musics. In the story there were many important characters in each scenes. We watched movie called Opal Dream. This movie is similar with Pobby and Dingan. However in the movie there were many background musics covered. I could focus movie more than book, because I could see each of character’s feeling with many different music categories. For example many characters have different moods in each section. There might be happy, exciting, sad, scary, and strong music in each of scenes. When I watched movie I felt that maybe I could make music and put in my own film shortly. Also I can play clarinet, and I am one of musicians. I thought it might be challenge, but I could try. However I never made music before, so I tried to get help from my music teachers. I really wanted to make my own music from my own feeling about this story. Therefore I’m going to make 3 different kinds of musics about important beginning part, middle part, and ending parts about this story.
At first I thought it would be impossible to make my own music, and it would be my own dream by myself about making music. However I really wanted to make music by my feelings, so I started big challenge just with my big music passions. I started to think what kind of musics I had to make, and I listened many different categories of songs. I asked to music teachers about making musics, and they talked about melodies first, because there are many melodies in each of musics. Also melodies always start to make many different musics. Therefore I just listened many different sometimes beautiful musics, sometimes sad musics, and sometimes strong musics for my own musics. I have music class everyday during school day, so if I needed help, I could get help from my music teachers. However I played my clarinet, and tried to find great melodies. Therefore I thought about great melodies every time, and tried to make melodies. I felt very hard to find great melodies about this story, so finally I thought I needed help. My music teacher played piano, and played many different melodies for me. There was one melody that really fit with Pobby and Dingan. That melody was very mystery, and it started with very sad. I could imagine Ashmol, because I remembered Ashmol went to claim by himself to find Pobby and Dingan for Kellyanne. This melody was perfect about this part of stories. After I heard that melody, I tried to find clarinet notes’ for my own music. Also I tried to develop my first music, because it was only first part of melody, and I wanted to make longer than the second measures. It took long time to make first music, because I had to practice my own music to record, and I tried to make other melodies. Also I connected with many different great melodies for fit with story. My music teachers helped me to record together. They played piano for me, and I played clarinet. It was very hard to play together, and record together. I wanted perfect, so I practiced really hard with my music teachers. Also in my second song, I made similar melodies, but I changed major of key. It could make different feelings when I changed major. I did not know about this knowledge before making my own music. I learned a lot about music during project. I think my music skills improved with my own musics. I worked really hard, and I thought really hard. I went music room every day, and most of afternoon time to work on my musics.
There was harder part than making music at the last. I wanted to make short film with putted pictures. It was really hard part to find pictures, because I wanted many different parts that include with my musics. I took almost every day to find pictures. I added more pictures every day, and I could find most of pictures. At first I almost gave up to find many different pictures, but I worked hard and tried really hard every time. Therefore I finished my own musics, and I finished finding pictures. I putted together my musics, pictures and my passions in this project. My strong strengths were never giving up and worked really hard every time for perfect project. For my weakness this was my first making musics, but I made 3 great musics. I got help from music teachers, but I worked most of it, so I did not feel like I got help from music teachers. Next time I want to find great melodies by myself without help, because this time my music teachers helped me to find one of melodies I used. Also I can make longer and harder music in the future. It might be really cool musics will come out by myself.


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