Friday, April 8, 2016

The Powerful Ability of Opal

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The Powerful Ability of Opal
For Ashmol’s family opals were very important, because every happening were included with opal in every scenes. Australian Geograpic quote says "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." The most important thing in opals are not only colors. There are many different powerful ability with turly meaning inside of opal.  It can have secret power inside. In my opinion inside of opals are very special and very secret with powerful ability to include with Ashmol’s family.
In the book Pobby and Dingan Ashmol’s father Rex was always trying to find opal in Lightning Ridge. Rex brought her wife Annie with his family in small poor town. Every single day Rex had big thinking of opal, because he knew that he had to protect his family and earn money for something. Therefore he felt more important about opal to protect his family. He worked really hard to find expensive opal for earn money. Rex’s wife Annie was in England, but she came to Australia because of Rex. She believed Rex and followed him, but Rex could not find opals a lot, so she missed her ex boyfriend and worried about her family.  I think in the opals there are strong power to make people crazy or have big ability for protect somebody. Especially like Rex. He tried to make profit for family with opal.
Also Kellyanne asked to Ashmol to find Pobby and Dingan in the claim at midnight, so Ashmol went to claim to find Pobby and Dingan for Kellyanne. He went down to claim at midnight, but for real he smelts somethings, so he followed smell, and he found the wrapper of a Violet Crumble chocolate bars under the claim. Therefore he tried to search more about Pobby and Dingan, and finally he found definite provision about Pobby and Dingan. It was opal. All of provisons were together, and Ashmol become that there might be Pobby and Dingan. That opal was Dingan’s opal. That opal was very beautiful and very expensive opal, but Kellyanne did not want to sell it. Therefore he did not sell and used to prepare for funeral with opal. Ashmol believes that he is not doing wrong, and helped Kellyanne, Pobby and Dingan for good ways.
In my opinion opal’s powerful abilities are very amazing and sometimes very scary. In the book Pobby and Dingan Kellyanne dead at the ending of story. Her imaginary characters Pobby and Dingan make her dead, but I think Dingan’s opal had powerful ablitiy. Also sometimes opal make people crazy, and using good ways. For Rex, opal is very important for his life and his family’s life, and for Ashmol, opal can protect families, and helped her sister Kellyanne, Pobby and Dingan’s funeral. Inside of opal there are many different power, but sometimes it helped, but sometimes it gave unluck. Kellyanne, Pobby and Dingan might stay in beautiful and colorful opal to protect their families.

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