Monday, February 29, 2016

Favorite Character in Once on This Island

   In Once on This Island, my favorite character was Ti Moune. I think Ti Moune was one of poor character in the musical. Ti Moune got in love Daniel. However at first Daniel also love Ti Moune, so they loved each other, but because of Daniel's mother and father he could not get relationship with Ti Moune. His parents did not aloud to have relationship with Ti Moune, because Daniel had his fiancĂ© Andrea. Andrea was rich girl and Ti Moune was poor girl. Ti Moune waited for Daniel, and she did not eat, drink and only wait for Daniel. Ti Moune died at the last, but mother of earth made Ti Moune to tree, so she can look over Daniel. I almost punched Daniel after show, but I could not, because he is older than me! However I think both Ti Moune and Daniel acted really good in this musical.

After Once on This Island

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2

After Once on This Island

When I got in Once on This Island’s pit band, I did not know anything about this story and did not know what I had to do. I was one of musician in the pit band. However I was not actor, because I was making music for musical. Last year when I was in eighth grade, I also played music of Spelling Bee. Actually at that time I was very surprised about instrument can play music for the musical. When I got music of Once on This Island, I was very confused, because there were many hard notes to play and there were many music to play for the musical. However like last year, we all practiced really hard to make perfect sounds of music for perform in musical.
    Although at first, I even did not know about story of Once on This Island. However we started to practice musical together and I became to understand the story. There was Ti Moune who is a peasant girl that hopes for a better life, and Daniel who had car crash. Daniel was very rich and Ti Moune was actually poor. Ti Moune found Daniel from car accident, and Ti Moune got love from Daniel. Also there were four gods to control the world. There were Asaka, Agwe, Erzulie, and Papa Ge. Asaka was mother of the earth, Agwe was god of water, Erzulie was goddess of love and Papa Ge was demon of death. Ti Moune saved Daniel, but Daniel forgot about Ti Moune. Therefore Daniel tried to remind Ti Moune, and Daniel also loved Ti Moune. However Daniel's mother and father could not understand Daniel and blocked Daniel's emotion, because Daniel already had Andrea that Daniel's fiance. Daniel could not have relationship with Ti Moune. Ti Moune was really sad and she really loved Daniel. Therefore Ti Moune did not eat, drink and move. She was waiting Daniel for a long time. However mother of the earth Asaka made Ti Moune very special. Ti Moune became tree and that tree never died and looked at once on the island.
    In my opinion this musical was very nice and very interesting. We had three same shows in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We were very tired and had less power, but we acted hard and played hard. I had the honor that I was one of the member of theater and helped musical to went well. Many different people of actors, teachers, and students prepared almost two month. Everybody worked really hard and prepared this show for long time. Therefore we could finish this musical very successfully. Maybe next year I think I am going to play pit band again and I think I am going to improve every years, because of many different show of musics. I loved musicals and musics and this feeling will be continue forever.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Visit Writing Center

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2

Revise Essay in Writing Center
    When I went to writing center, I always felt not good, because I have to prepare to fix my most of paragraphs. I was very afraid every time to go to writing center. However for my better essay, I went to writing center to revise my essay. When I met Ms. Swift at first, I felt she is very strict and have many different creativity ideas, because she explained how to start essay.
    First, she talked about thesis statement. Thesis statement is one of start in essay and most important to write before organize essay, because thesis statement is one of argue inside of book, so this argue have to support with many example in the novel or film. However she talked about my thesis has little problem. She actually did not like my thesis, because of one of word selfish. However in my opinion word selfish is fine inside of my thesis, because I worked thesis for a while during class and during extra help time with teachers. Some of teachers told that my thesis and my argue direction is fine, but only Ms. Swift did not like my thesis. Therefore I did not fix my thesis in my essay.
    Second, she talked about summaries and analysis. Actually I knew about this before she told to me. In my essay there are too many specific summaries. However I did not put enough quotes and examples after write my argues and summaries. This was actually good point out. The sentences of quotes must support for my argues, but I did not put quotes after all of sentences. However Ms. Swift just want me to put quotes for support my argues. Also there are too many similar summaries in all of paragraphs, so she preferred to delete similar summaries and put more quotes and more analysis. Ms. Swift adviced many different specific plot, and her examples. Actually in my opinion she explained too much her own idea, but some of her advices were very helpful me to revise my essay.
    People can make many different mistakes with many problems. However we have to find mistakes and revise all to be perfect. It take a long time to find mistakes, and revise all of essay. I had too much similar summaries in each of paragraphs, so I could not put enough quotes and analysis. I learned that example of quotes are important to support my arguments. From now I am going to check my whole essay and check more mistakes, because I think, I might have more mistakes in my essay. Also I am going to add more quotes after summaries with my own opinions. I have to put more analysis too instead of similar summaries, and need to make perfect essay.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Revise of My Essay

When I wrote my essay, I always got many problems from organizations, thesis statements and grammar mistakes. Also every time it was very hard to write perfect essay, because we always have to find many different mistakes, tried to revised all of mistakes and improve everything in essay. However this time, I got many different problems to started at first of wrote this essay, but now I think my essay completed about 70% of the essay. From now I still have to work on analysis, topic with ending sentences and grammar mistakes.
In this essay at first I got problems to start with thesis statement, so I went to extra help to revised my thesis statement. I fixed my thesis statement to change more stronger with Mrs. Guarino. Second I putted more analysis in my essay. I putted too many summaries of Me and You and Southpaw, but I did not put many analysis and did not explained about specific my opinion. Therefore I deleted some of nonsense summaries and putted more specific analysis with my opinion during both of stories. Last there were many different grammar mistakes, because I did not go over whole essay from the beginning. In addition to fixing and looking over grammar mistakes, I could not find right over my mistakes. However I read my essay again and again, so after read many times I could find my grammar mistakes and I could revise my most of grammar problem I think. In my opinion I still have many problems in my essay, so I am going to look over and go to writing center to revise my essay. Also I still don’t have many specific analysis, so I am going to ask to writing center and makes more specific analysis with my own opinions.
Despite of fixing many problems, I think I still have many problems. However in my essay there are many strong strengths about my writing and weaknesses about my writing. I think my strong strengths are good at write specific summaries and explained specific Me and You and Southpaw’s main characters. Also I think I explained their relationship very well with creativity words. However my weeknesses are grammars and analysis. Many grammar mistakes and analysis were one of my difficult problems to solved and fixed. Most of people can mistake first time, but they all have to revise and improve their essay. In addition to making perfect essay, you have to spend much time to revise essay. I am going to read over again every time and try to find many mistakes and make most improve essay.


Monday, February 22, 2016

What is your favorite sentence and why?

  'This means  after Olivia came to stay with Lorenzo, he showed and opened his expressions to Olivia and he was keep changing. He got many influences to Olivia's actions with outgoing personality.' I think this is my favorite sentence, because I explained about Olivia and Lorenzo that Olivia gave advice to Lorenzo and Lorenzo changed. In my opinion Olivia was one of great mentor for Lorenzo and he got influence for better life to Olivia. This sentence had many meaning and it explained very specifically.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

First Draft

Minseung Kim


Ms. Guarino 
English II (IS) - 2

Influence Affect on Life

Many different people have different life and different sociality people in the world. However some of them have problems of personality and go to wrong directions that is worst for their life. In the novel Me and You and the movie Southpaw are one example of infulence affcet on life. They can be selfish and has strong mind with strong pride, but they can not know this influence affect their life a lot. In both Me and You and Southpaw, the main character Lorenzo and Bill connect with a mentor person, and this experience cause them to become less selfish more willing to help others.

First, from the novel Me and You showed main character Lorenzo's personality and his changing with Lorenzo's half sister Olivia. There was one Italian boy who's name Lorenzo. He was one of very selfish person and wanted to be alone every time. He did not like someone interrupt him. Therefore he did not has many different friends, because he really did not want to be close with anybody. However he tried to pretend has many friends to his mother, so he lied to his mother that he had to go to ski trip with his friend Alessia. Probably his mom was very strict for Lorenzo and cared about Lorenzo a lot. Also it was hard to lied his mother. However he had plan to did not go to ski trip and stayed into cellar. That was one of problem to met Olivia and stayed with Olivia in the cellar. Olivia interrupted Lorenzo for his secret ski week. He really did not want to stay with Olivia, but Olivia threaten Lorenzo about he did not go to ski trip and he hid Olivia in the cellar. Lorenzo knew that Olivia smoked, took drugs and drunk alcohol. Lorenzo knew Olivia depraved a lot. "What sort of illness did she have? What if it were contagious."(Ammaniti 99) Lorenzo did not care about anyone before he met Olivia, but Lorenzo worried Olivia about her health and conditions. This means after Olivia came to stay with Lorenzo, he showed and opened his expressions to Olivia and he was keep changing. He got many influences to Olivia's actions with outgoing personality.

At first they did not like each other "Get away. I swear to God I'm going to kill you."(Ammaniti 107) first Lorenzo did not like Olivia's personality, so he fought with Olivia. Therefore Olivia slapped Lorenzo and Lorenzo punched Olivia, but she was out of breath and she was like choking. They could not control their expressions with conversations. He really worried Olivia, so he went out for brought medicine for Olivia. It was very dangerous to went outside during hid in cellar, but he chose to go outside because Lorenzo worried Olivia a lot. He changed more because he was very selfish and did not willing to help. At the last day of hid in cellar, they had nice time and Olivia danced, but Lorenzo did not. However Olivia made Lorenzo danced. "She grabbed my hands and, looking at me with those magnetic eyes of hers, she pulled me toward her. My destiny is to be next to you, with you near me I won't be afraid, and I will be a little girl again."(Ammaniti 143) Olivia gave big brave to Lorenzo and tried to advice to change. Lorenzo danced after Olivia told this. He felt something he never felt before because of Olivia. "I felt a live-it took my breath away."(Ammaniti 144) Olivia was one of good mentor to make change Lorenzo. At the beginning, Lorenzo was very selfish and did not care about anybody, but he became less selfish and willing to help Olivia instead of thought about self.
Second, from the movie Southpaw showed main character's Billy's up and down life and Billy became very ruined because of his wife death. The main character Billy Hope was one of best boxer, so he was world champion. Billy hope and his wife Maureen grew up together in the orphanage. They were very close when they were young and Billy chose Maureen for his wife, because she always helped Billy for many different happen every time and tried to control him every time. Therefore only Maureen could control Billy hope during their life each other. Billy loved Maureen a lot, so he always conform Maureen's controling. However Maureen always worried and cheered Billy when he boxed with other people. Therefore because of Maureen’s worried and cheered, he always won every games. Nobody could not be winner because Billy always won the games. Many different players wanted to fight with Billy, because they knew that he was the best boxer with many different best and expensive sponsors.
When his wife Maureen stayed with him, he was the best boxing player in the world and could everything for her. However there were one of his rival Miguel met Billy and his wife Maureen. Billy could not control himself because Miguel was talking about his poor life with bad language. Billy started to punch him and party got mass it up. during fought with Miguel, Miguel’s bodyguard shot the gun to Maureen. Billy confused and cried out in sorrow. During his best life he lost his wife in a tragic accident. His wife Maureen died by gun shot. Billy could not believe and he could not control his mental alone, because his wife was only who could control Billy’s metal. He got really angry to Miguel, but he did not want to box anymore. Therefore he could not earn money without boxing, so became really poor and lost his all money. Also he could not stay with his daughter, because he could not protect her. This showed that without his wife, he could not do anything. Therefore instead of his wife, Billy turned to trainer Tick to help him get his daughter and get his strong mental with ability. Billy thought Tick was one of best coach he thought before. Billy wanted to change and tried to start from beginning. Coach Tick helped for Billy’s peaceful life with her daughter and helped to control himself about his wife’s death.
In both Me and You and Southpaw main character Lorenzo was one of very selfish person and wanted to be alone every time. Also he could not show expressions to other people. However he met nice mentor who was Olivia and she showed many experiences to Lorenzo and gave big brave in the story. On the other hand, in the movie Southpaw main character Billy had up and down life and Billy became very ruined because of his wife death. After this happened he lost his whole money and job. However he also met one of good mentor who was coach Tick and tried to start his life again. He could not control himself after his wife died, but Tick gave strong leadership and make Billy changed for his worst life. In both Me and You and Southpaw, the main character Lorenzo and Bill connect with a mentor person, and this experience cause them to become less selfish more willing to help others. Many people can not get good experience sometimes, and  from one of their bad experience they can lost their life. However if someone helped or give advice for mentor, life can become better and their personality can be better.  

Monday, February 15, 2016

First Body Paragraph

First, from the novel Me and You showed main character Lorenzo's personality and his changing with Lorenzo's half sister Olivia. There was one Italian boy who's name Lorenzo. He was one of very selfish person and wanted to be alone every time. He did not like someone interrupt him. Therefore he did not has many different friends, because he really did not want to be close with anybody. However he tried to pretend has many friends to his mother, so he lied to his mother that he had to go to ski trip with his friend Alessia. Probably his mom was very strict for Lorenzo and cared about Lorenzo a lot. Also it was hard to lied his mother. However he had plan to did not go to ski trip and stayed into cellar. That was one of problem to met Olivia and stayed with Olivia in the cellar. Olivia interrupted Lorenzo for his secret ski week. He really did not want to stay with Olivia, but Olivia threaten Lorenzo about he did not go to ski trip and he hid Olivia in the cellar. Lorenzo knew that Olivia smoked, took drugs and drunk alcohol. Lorenzo knew Olivia depraved a lot. "What sort of illness did she have? What if it were contagious."(Me and You, page 99) Lorenzo did not care about anyone before he met Olivia, but Lorenzo worried Olivia about her health and conditions. This means after Olivia came to stay with Lorenzo, he showed and opened his expressions to Olivia and he was keep changing. He got many influences to Olivia's actions with outgoing personality.
At first they did not like each other "Get away. I swear to God I'm going to kill you."(Me and You, page 107) first Lorenzo did not like Olivia's personality, so he fought with Olivia. Therefore Olivia slapped Lorenzo and Lorenzo punched Olivia, but she was out of breath and she was like choking. They could not control their expressions with conversations. He really worried Olivia, so he went out for brought medicine for Olivia. It was very dangerous to went outside during hid in cellar, but he chose to go outside because Lorenzo worried Olivia a lot. He changed more because he was very selfish and did not willing to help. At the last day of hid in cellar, they had nice time and Olivia danced, but Lorenzo did not. However Olivia made Lorenzo danced. "She grabbed my hands and, looking at me with those magnetic eyes of hers, she pulled me toward her. My destiny is to be next to you, with you near me I won't be afraid, and I will be a little girl again."(Me and You, page 143) Olivia gave big brave to Lorenzo and tried to advice to change. Lorenzo danced after Olivia told this. He felt something he never felt before because of Olivia. "I felt a live-it took my breath away."(Me and You, page 144) Olivia was one of good mentor to make change Lorenzo. At the beginning, Lorenzo was very selfish and did not care about anybody, but he became less selfish and willing to help Olivia instead of thought about self.

Friday, February 12, 2016

About Yubin's Thesis

The novel Me and you and the film Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the both main characters had not hope, but they tried to find their own true love and their relationship became close with open minded.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Outline of Book and Film

Thesis statement:
In the book “Me and You” and in the film “Southpaw” explained turning points for Lorenzo’s future life and Billy’s future life. They got many influences from many relationships and they learned good and bad things from special events and they changed because of other people.

First paragraph:
Before Olivia came to Lorenzo’s cellar, Lorenzo was very alone without friendships and many relationships with other people. Lorenzo pretended to has many friends to show up to his mother. However after Olivia came to stay with Lorenzo, he showed his expressions to Olivia and he was keep changing. He got many influences to Olivia’s outgoing personality and he tried to change his actions.

Second paragraph:
In the film “Southpaw” Before Billy went to meet coach Tick, Billy was one of strongest top boxer in the world, so everybody keep challenge to become world champion and win Billy. Billy’s wife was one of Billy’s best supporter to worried Billy and controled Billy. Therefore Billy spared his wife Maureen. However Maureen killed by one of his rival Miguel’s body guard. After Maureen died, Billy could not control his mind by himself without Maureen. Therefore he lost his whole money and he had to send his daughter to children protect center, because Billy lost his job and his whole money. He lost his all of it except his relationships and friendships with many different people. However after Billy met coach Tick, he changed Billy’s personalities and his techniques for boxing. Also Tick tried to figure it out for Billy about Billy’s job and honorary for Billy and his daughter.

Third paragraph:
In the book “Me and You” relationships with other people were one of most important part in this book. Also Olivia helped Lorenzo to change his personality to help Lorenzo’s future life. Olivia wanted to give good influences to Lorenzo and find turning point to become better personality with many great relationships. Also in the film “Southpaw” coach Tick gave big helps to get better personality and many boxing techniques to become better boxer. Top boxer Billy was the best boxer in the world, but after his best supporter Maureen died, he could not control his mind, so Tick also tried to help him to control his mind by himself.

-Thesis Statement
-Compare “Me and You” and “Southpaw”
-Main points of book and film
-Lessons of each story
-Learn something from stroy

Respect Snow Day

Respect Snow Day

It makes us delight and give us relax for a day,
students feel comfortable from snowfields
everybody can enjoy with snow to make 
snowman and do sled riding.

Jesus give us to have a rest without 
many different works.
It is very freezing and cold but 
we can enjoy with hot chocolate
to make warm day.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Summary of Southpaw Movie

Minseung Kim

Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The movie call ‘Southpaw’ about one boxer’s life became very ruined because of main character’s wife death. There was one of strongest and top boxer. His name called Billy hope. He was always boxing very dangerous every time. When he was boxing, he never defended and only attacked just for win. At first everybody thought he was going to lose every game, but he did not. Also his wife Morin always worried him and cheered him for win the game. Billy hope and his wife Maureen grew up together in the orphanage. They were very close when they were young and Billy chose Maureen for his wife, because she always helped Billy for many different happen every time and tried to control him every time. Therefore only Maureen could control Billy hope during their life each other. Therefore because of Maureen’s worried and cheered, he always won every games. Nobody could not be winner because Billy always won the games. Many different players wanted to fight with Billy, because they knew that he was the best boxer with many different best and expensive sponsors.
One day he went party for contribution collection. He was talking about his hard life in front of many different reporters and many different sponsors. However in the party one of boxer name Miguel came to see Billy hope and tried to stimulus Billy. Billy could not control himself because Miguel was talking about his poor life with bad language. Billy started to punch him and party got mass it up. However during fought with Miguel, Miguel’s bodyguard shot the gun to Maureen. Billy confused and cried out in sorrow. During his best life he lost his wife in a tragic accident. His wife Maureen died by gun shot. Billy could not believe and he could not control his mental alone, because his wife was only who could control Billy’s metal. He got really angry to Miguel, but he did not want to box anymore. Therefore he could not earn money without boxing, so became really poor and lost his all money. He was living with high society with his wife Maureen. However he lost his house, cars and money. Also he could not have ability to take care of his daughter. Therefore she had to send by child protection center before Billy got job. Actually he lost everything after his wife Maureen died. Her wife affected his life a lot. He really wanted to live with his daughter.
Therefore Billy turned to trainer Tick to help him get his daughter and get his strong mental with ability. Billy thought Tick was one of best coach he thought before. Billy really wanted to play boxing with had a job, so Billy was asking for jobs to Tick. However at first Tick could not aloud Billy to come to his boxing gym, because he really did not like Billy a lot at first. Billy really needed Tick’s help, because Billy had nobody except Tick. Finally Tick aloud Billy to come to gym, but Billy had to clean all of Tick’s gym and training gym’s children and boxers. At first Billy had no idea that why he had to do this working, but Tick was waiting for his mind changing. Actually Billy was changing and tried to find his powers. Tick thought Billy was ready to have small games with many low boxers. Billy started with low level with coach Tick, so Tick tried to teach defense first for Billy, because Tick also knew that Billy never defended his own. Tick taught special training with hard goals. Also Billy was working hard for win all the games and tried to win Miguel and tried to revenge for his wife Maureen.
Finally Billy had first small game with low level boxer. However Billy had game like professional boxer. He really focused the game and he knew how to defend and how to attack perfectly. The one of Billy’s last sponsor saw Billy’s small game, and felt very interesting to Billy. Therefore his last sponsor suggested to Billy about game with Miguel. Billy felt really angry again and he really wanted to have boxing game with Miguel. However coach Tick heard about this battle. He was not aloud Billy to box with Miguel. Tick said Billy was not ready, but Billy entrusted to Tick that he needed many help. There were still few more weeks before game with Miguel. For few more weeks Billy worked really hard with Tick like every day and every hour.
                After few more weeks, finally they had big matched each other Miguel and Billy. Many reporters were very busy to search about this battle. The game was very long, because they were boxing really hard each other and tried to win and became world champion. Actually for Billy, he wanted to show to her died wife Maureen and to show his daughter that he revenged to Miguel. Also Billy really wanted to stay with his daughter, so he tried his best and Billy won the game. Now he became a champion again and finally he could live with his daughter and he also could control his mental by himself very strongly. Main part was coach Tick changed Billy’s personalities and his techniques for boxing.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Three Film

1. Southpaw
There was one of top boxers' name Bily hope. He always won every game, but during his best life he lost his wife in a tragic accident and he could not control his mental alone so he could not do boxing anymore. Therefore he could not earn money and his daughter sent by child protection center. He wanted to live with his daughter, so he turns to trainer Tick Wills to help him get his daughter and get his strong mental.

2. Mean girls2
There were four mean girls in this movie and they made many different problems in the school and in everywhere. They bullied sometime and they threaten sometime to do they wanted. They were very strong, sexy and fashionable in this movie.

3. Sleepover
There were four best friends and they wanted to hunt against the popular clique in their school. They planned for went over their house and tried to improve their social status.