Thursday, February 4, 2016

Summary of Southpaw Movie

Minseung Kim

Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The movie call ‘Southpaw’ about one boxer’s life became very ruined because of main character’s wife death. There was one of strongest and top boxer. His name called Billy hope. He was always boxing very dangerous every time. When he was boxing, he never defended and only attacked just for win. At first everybody thought he was going to lose every game, but he did not. Also his wife Morin always worried him and cheered him for win the game. Billy hope and his wife Maureen grew up together in the orphanage. They were very close when they were young and Billy chose Maureen for his wife, because she always helped Billy for many different happen every time and tried to control him every time. Therefore only Maureen could control Billy hope during their life each other. Therefore because of Maureen’s worried and cheered, he always won every games. Nobody could not be winner because Billy always won the games. Many different players wanted to fight with Billy, because they knew that he was the best boxer with many different best and expensive sponsors.
One day he went party for contribution collection. He was talking about his hard life in front of many different reporters and many different sponsors. However in the party one of boxer name Miguel came to see Billy hope and tried to stimulus Billy. Billy could not control himself because Miguel was talking about his poor life with bad language. Billy started to punch him and party got mass it up. However during fought with Miguel, Miguel’s bodyguard shot the gun to Maureen. Billy confused and cried out in sorrow. During his best life he lost his wife in a tragic accident. His wife Maureen died by gun shot. Billy could not believe and he could not control his mental alone, because his wife was only who could control Billy’s metal. He got really angry to Miguel, but he did not want to box anymore. Therefore he could not earn money without boxing, so became really poor and lost his all money. He was living with high society with his wife Maureen. However he lost his house, cars and money. Also he could not have ability to take care of his daughter. Therefore she had to send by child protection center before Billy got job. Actually he lost everything after his wife Maureen died. Her wife affected his life a lot. He really wanted to live with his daughter.
Therefore Billy turned to trainer Tick to help him get his daughter and get his strong mental with ability. Billy thought Tick was one of best coach he thought before. Billy really wanted to play boxing with had a job, so Billy was asking for jobs to Tick. However at first Tick could not aloud Billy to come to his boxing gym, because he really did not like Billy a lot at first. Billy really needed Tick’s help, because Billy had nobody except Tick. Finally Tick aloud Billy to come to gym, but Billy had to clean all of Tick’s gym and training gym’s children and boxers. At first Billy had no idea that why he had to do this working, but Tick was waiting for his mind changing. Actually Billy was changing and tried to find his powers. Tick thought Billy was ready to have small games with many low boxers. Billy started with low level with coach Tick, so Tick tried to teach defense first for Billy, because Tick also knew that Billy never defended his own. Tick taught special training with hard goals. Also Billy was working hard for win all the games and tried to win Miguel and tried to revenge for his wife Maureen.
Finally Billy had first small game with low level boxer. However Billy had game like professional boxer. He really focused the game and he knew how to defend and how to attack perfectly. The one of Billy’s last sponsor saw Billy’s small game, and felt very interesting to Billy. Therefore his last sponsor suggested to Billy about game with Miguel. Billy felt really angry again and he really wanted to have boxing game with Miguel. However coach Tick heard about this battle. He was not aloud Billy to box with Miguel. Tick said Billy was not ready, but Billy entrusted to Tick that he needed many help. There were still few more weeks before game with Miguel. For few more weeks Billy worked really hard with Tick like every day and every hour.
                After few more weeks, finally they had big matched each other Miguel and Billy. Many reporters were very busy to search about this battle. The game was very long, because they were boxing really hard each other and tried to win and became world champion. Actually for Billy, he wanted to show to her died wife Maureen and to show his daughter that he revenged to Miguel. Also Billy really wanted to stay with his daughter, so he tried his best and Billy won the game. Now he became a champion again and finally he could live with his daughter and he also could control his mental by himself very strongly. Main part was coach Tick changed Billy’s personalities and his techniques for boxing.


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