Thursday, February 18, 2016

First Draft

Minseung Kim


Ms. Guarino 
English II (IS) - 2

Influence Affect on Life

Many different people have different life and different sociality people in the world. However some of them have problems of personality and go to wrong directions that is worst for their life. In the novel Me and You and the movie Southpaw are one example of infulence affcet on life. They can be selfish and has strong mind with strong pride, but they can not know this influence affect their life a lot. In both Me and You and Southpaw, the main character Lorenzo and Bill connect with a mentor person, and this experience cause them to become less selfish more willing to help others.

First, from the novel Me and You showed main character Lorenzo's personality and his changing with Lorenzo's half sister Olivia. There was one Italian boy who's name Lorenzo. He was one of very selfish person and wanted to be alone every time. He did not like someone interrupt him. Therefore he did not has many different friends, because he really did not want to be close with anybody. However he tried to pretend has many friends to his mother, so he lied to his mother that he had to go to ski trip with his friend Alessia. Probably his mom was very strict for Lorenzo and cared about Lorenzo a lot. Also it was hard to lied his mother. However he had plan to did not go to ski trip and stayed into cellar. That was one of problem to met Olivia and stayed with Olivia in the cellar. Olivia interrupted Lorenzo for his secret ski week. He really did not want to stay with Olivia, but Olivia threaten Lorenzo about he did not go to ski trip and he hid Olivia in the cellar. Lorenzo knew that Olivia smoked, took drugs and drunk alcohol. Lorenzo knew Olivia depraved a lot. "What sort of illness did she have? What if it were contagious."(Ammaniti 99) Lorenzo did not care about anyone before he met Olivia, but Lorenzo worried Olivia about her health and conditions. This means after Olivia came to stay with Lorenzo, he showed and opened his expressions to Olivia and he was keep changing. He got many influences to Olivia's actions with outgoing personality.

At first they did not like each other "Get away. I swear to God I'm going to kill you."(Ammaniti 107) first Lorenzo did not like Olivia's personality, so he fought with Olivia. Therefore Olivia slapped Lorenzo and Lorenzo punched Olivia, but she was out of breath and she was like choking. They could not control their expressions with conversations. He really worried Olivia, so he went out for brought medicine for Olivia. It was very dangerous to went outside during hid in cellar, but he chose to go outside because Lorenzo worried Olivia a lot. He changed more because he was very selfish and did not willing to help. At the last day of hid in cellar, they had nice time and Olivia danced, but Lorenzo did not. However Olivia made Lorenzo danced. "She grabbed my hands and, looking at me with those magnetic eyes of hers, she pulled me toward her. My destiny is to be next to you, with you near me I won't be afraid, and I will be a little girl again."(Ammaniti 143) Olivia gave big brave to Lorenzo and tried to advice to change. Lorenzo danced after Olivia told this. He felt something he never felt before because of Olivia. "I felt a live-it took my breath away."(Ammaniti 144) Olivia was one of good mentor to make change Lorenzo. At the beginning, Lorenzo was very selfish and did not care about anybody, but he became less selfish and willing to help Olivia instead of thought about self.
Second, from the movie Southpaw showed main character's Billy's up and down life and Billy became very ruined because of his wife death. The main character Billy Hope was one of best boxer, so he was world champion. Billy hope and his wife Maureen grew up together in the orphanage. They were very close when they were young and Billy chose Maureen for his wife, because she always helped Billy for many different happen every time and tried to control him every time. Therefore only Maureen could control Billy hope during their life each other. Billy loved Maureen a lot, so he always conform Maureen's controling. However Maureen always worried and cheered Billy when he boxed with other people. Therefore because of Maureen’s worried and cheered, he always won every games. Nobody could not be winner because Billy always won the games. Many different players wanted to fight with Billy, because they knew that he was the best boxer with many different best and expensive sponsors.
When his wife Maureen stayed with him, he was the best boxing player in the world and could everything for her. However there were one of his rival Miguel met Billy and his wife Maureen. Billy could not control himself because Miguel was talking about his poor life with bad language. Billy started to punch him and party got mass it up. during fought with Miguel, Miguel’s bodyguard shot the gun to Maureen. Billy confused and cried out in sorrow. During his best life he lost his wife in a tragic accident. His wife Maureen died by gun shot. Billy could not believe and he could not control his mental alone, because his wife was only who could control Billy’s metal. He got really angry to Miguel, but he did not want to box anymore. Therefore he could not earn money without boxing, so became really poor and lost his all money. Also he could not stay with his daughter, because he could not protect her. This showed that without his wife, he could not do anything. Therefore instead of his wife, Billy turned to trainer Tick to help him get his daughter and get his strong mental with ability. Billy thought Tick was one of best coach he thought before. Billy wanted to change and tried to start from beginning. Coach Tick helped for Billy’s peaceful life with her daughter and helped to control himself about his wife’s death.
In both Me and You and Southpaw main character Lorenzo was one of very selfish person and wanted to be alone every time. Also he could not show expressions to other people. However he met nice mentor who was Olivia and she showed many experiences to Lorenzo and gave big brave in the story. On the other hand, in the movie Southpaw main character Billy had up and down life and Billy became very ruined because of his wife death. After this happened he lost his whole money and job. However he also met one of good mentor who was coach Tick and tried to start his life again. He could not control himself after his wife died, but Tick gave strong leadership and make Billy changed for his worst life. In both Me and You and Southpaw, the main character Lorenzo and Bill connect with a mentor person, and this experience cause them to become less selfish more willing to help others. Many people can not get good experience sometimes, and  from one of their bad experience they can lost their life. However if someone helped or give advice for mentor, life can become better and their personality can be better.  

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