Monday, February 29, 2016

After Once on This Island

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2

After Once on This Island

When I got in Once on This Island’s pit band, I did not know anything about this story and did not know what I had to do. I was one of musician in the pit band. However I was not actor, because I was making music for musical. Last year when I was in eighth grade, I also played music of Spelling Bee. Actually at that time I was very surprised about instrument can play music for the musical. When I got music of Once on This Island, I was very confused, because there were many hard notes to play and there were many music to play for the musical. However like last year, we all practiced really hard to make perfect sounds of music for perform in musical.
    Although at first, I even did not know about story of Once on This Island. However we started to practice musical together and I became to understand the story. There was Ti Moune who is a peasant girl that hopes for a better life, and Daniel who had car crash. Daniel was very rich and Ti Moune was actually poor. Ti Moune found Daniel from car accident, and Ti Moune got love from Daniel. Also there were four gods to control the world. There were Asaka, Agwe, Erzulie, and Papa Ge. Asaka was mother of the earth, Agwe was god of water, Erzulie was goddess of love and Papa Ge was demon of death. Ti Moune saved Daniel, but Daniel forgot about Ti Moune. Therefore Daniel tried to remind Ti Moune, and Daniel also loved Ti Moune. However Daniel's mother and father could not understand Daniel and blocked Daniel's emotion, because Daniel already had Andrea that Daniel's fiance. Daniel could not have relationship with Ti Moune. Ti Moune was really sad and she really loved Daniel. Therefore Ti Moune did not eat, drink and move. She was waiting Daniel for a long time. However mother of the earth Asaka made Ti Moune very special. Ti Moune became tree and that tree never died and looked at once on the island.
    In my opinion this musical was very nice and very interesting. We had three same shows in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We were very tired and had less power, but we acted hard and played hard. I had the honor that I was one of the member of theater and helped musical to went well. Many different people of actors, teachers, and students prepared almost two month. Everybody worked really hard and prepared this show for long time. Therefore we could finish this musical very successfully. Maybe next year I think I am going to play pit band again and I think I am going to improve every years, because of many different show of musics. I loved musicals and musics and this feeling will be continue forever.


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