Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Comma splice
-A comma splice is a type of run-on whereby two independent clauses or complete sentences are incorrectly joined by a comma.
Ex. Today I am tired, I will take a nap later.
  • This comma splice has two independent clauses or complete sentences joined incorrectly by only a comma.
  • 'Today I am tired' and 'I will take a nap later' are independent clauses and complete sentences.
  • The two sentences need to be joined by more than just a comma.
Ex of correct sentence.
  • Today I am tired. I will take a nap/ change to period between two sentences.
  • Today I am tired, so I will take a nap/ adding a coordinate conjunction between two sentences.
Run-on sentence
-A run-on sentence consists of two or more main clauses that are run together without proper punctuation.
Ex. The boy showed us his tickets someone gave them to him.
  • Between 'The boy showed us his tickets' and  'someone gave them to him' it has to put period.
Ex of correct sentence.
  • The boy showed us his tickets. Someone gave them to him.
Sentence fragment
-A fragment is an incomplete sentence. It is missing one or more of the following parts:
Ex. When I went to the movies last week and I ran into a friend.
  • This sentence fragment does not contain an independent clause because of the word "when."
  • Therefore, it does not contain a complete thought even though there is a subject and a verb.
Ex of correct sentence.
  • When I ran into a friend at the movies last week, I suggested we sit together.
Independent clause
-Independent clause is a complete sentence.
Ex. She wants to travel the world and see wonderful sights.

Dependent clause
-Dependent clause is a sentence that can't stand by its own
Ex. When the president arrives

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