Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Self Assessment of your project

1.Unique character/creativity
-I made new characters in my diary and I include with story of main character. Also I made many creative stories in my dairy with many specific details. I think this part I can get A for new characters and new interesting stories.

2.Details- 5 senses
-I tried to find all of detail in the book and I putted mostly everything in my diary. However I think I putted many 5 senses for my specific feeling in my diary. At first I did not have enough detail in my diary, but I add a lot before final draft.

3.Narration(telling), Description(detail), Reflection(feelings)
-I think I organized narration, description and reflection very good. I started with very interesting story in my first part of diary about new happened in every parts of month. I putted narration with many details that make understand very easily. I putted many different feelings in every parts of month I wrote.

4. Clarity; correctness
-At first I wrote everything in my diary, and after I finish wrote my whole diary, I started to look my errors and tried to correct my mistakes in diary. However probably there are still many mistakes from my diary, so I have to look at it more.

5. Fulfilling length
-At first I started with my long paragraphs in every months, but I separated many different long paragraph and putted more details. It was very hard to made like short and specific, but I tried my best in my diary. However I think my diary is still very long, but I tried to put every detail, so that's why diary became longer and longer.

In my opinion I worked really hard for many hours everyday, and I tried my best. My detail and organization are perfect and I think I might get A- or B+. However mostly I want A+ ^^. If Ms. Guarino give more time, I am going to look for my grammar mistakes.

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