Wednesday, December 2, 2015

During Thanksgiving Break

     During Thanksgiving break I went back to Korea for meet my family, my friends and my girlfriend. During one week I planned many different things to do, but first Korea was very far from America. My flight was almost 15 hours from America to Korea. I decided very hard to go back to Korea, because this trip was very tough. It was very tired to go back to Korea and come back to America during one week. However I did many different fun things with my family and my friends.       First I arrived Korea I went to cut my hair, because my hair became long, so it was not that good. After cut my hair I met my whole family and had wonderful dinner. We went big restaurant and ate many different traditional Korean foods. It was very delicious and I ate as much I could. However 15 hours flight was making me really tired, so after dinner we went back to home and I had a big rest with sweet dreams. After two days my body became much better than before, so I called my all friends to play with me. Everybody surprised to me, because this was my first time to came to Korea during Thanksgiving break. However everybody welcome me and we went to watch many different new movies. There were many scary movie too, but I watched scary movie with my girlfriend. I really miss my girlfriend before Thanksgiving break, so I spent much time together during one week. Thanksgiving break was really short, but I had a great time with my family, my friends and my girlfriend. Also I hope winter break is coming as soon as possible.

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