Sunday, December 13, 2015

Visit to the Writing Center

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Many Advices Make Better Work
In Cheshire Academy, there is writing center for many students who want help for better writing. In other schools there are no writing center or extra helps, but only our school has this great systems for many hard working students. I love this systems in my school, because I am from Korea and I am one of the international students in Cheshire Academy. However, many different international students still have to work really hard because we all make many errors in our homework. We have much homework everyday and we have to focus on grammar errors and organizations in every part of the homework. Most of international students need to check their work everytime, keep changing their work, to make it better and make it perfect. Writing center is one way that we can make our work better and perfect. I went writing center for many advice about my story of diary entry English project.
I went writing center on Wednesday and I could meet Ms. Swift in writing center. I met her before a lot, because I went writing center advice for my many essays and got advice from Ms. Swift. When I met her first, she taught about what is introduction, body paragraph and conclusion of essays. At first I could not understand very specifically, but from now if I write my essay, I always check my introduction, body paragraph and conclusion every time. Therefore from now I feel this is most important part to start projects or essays. Also in this English project we have to make our own character and include our character in book we read before. We have to understand all stories from the book and understand all of specific character. Ms. Swift told me that put many specific detail inside of story.
Ms. Swift and I looked for my English project together, and there were many simple grammar mistakes. Therefore Ms. Swift let me fix my own grammar mistakes and check what was wrong and what was right. I felt I become really better writer after I checked my grammar mistakes. Also we read it out loud for better understanding, so we could find my mistakes easier. I was little shy, because I read my own writing to other person. However I was not that uncomfortable, because she listen my voice and check my specific mistakes from my project and I started to fix my mistake with me. I also had organization problem from English project. I wrote very thing I know, but it did not organized properly. Ms. Swift advices were careful simple grammar mistakes and focus on organize my all project.   
From now I wrote many different style of writing, but I always make few of mistakes every single time. However I want to do better writing in my life, so I went writing center during my extra time. After I fixed my whole mistake with Ms. Swift I felt very comfortable every time, but I tried to fix by myself sometime. This is my goal that write essays or project and fix by myself. I have many mistakes all the time and need to study more grammars and more organization, but this is very serious problem to do alone. This will be hard and need much time to do by myself, but I am going to try hard and make better work.


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