Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Diary Entry

November 19, 2015
Finally I was going back to Korea during Thanksgiving break. I was very exciting to went back to Korea, because I missed my family and my friends. I packed my all clothes yesterday night and I was ready to went to Korea. I called taxi in the morning 8:00 and I went airport with my two friends. We could not believed that we could go back to Korea. However during went to airport we were really hungry, but there were no place to eat. Therefore we just ate hamburger before we got in the plane. I remembered in JFK airport there were small Korean restaurant, but it disappeared. Therefore instead of Korean food we just ate big hamburger. However I was really hungry, so hamburger was really delicious for me. I did not get in airplane yet, but I felt really tired already, because I knew how far it was. Finally we got in airplane, and we heard noisy airplane sounds. However first we tried to search many movies and entertainment programs. However there were many programs in airplane and I felt better, because I could spend time with this all movies and many TV programs. Airplane was not very comfortable, but I felt very comfortable, because I was going back to Korea. 

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