Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Self Assessment of your project

1.Unique character/creativity
-I made new characters in my diary and I include with story of main character. Also I made many creative stories in my dairy with many specific details. I think this part I can get A for new characters and new interesting stories.

2.Details- 5 senses
-I tried to find all of detail in the book and I putted mostly everything in my diary. However I think I putted many 5 senses for my specific feeling in my diary. At first I did not have enough detail in my diary, but I add a lot before final draft.

3.Narration(telling), Description(detail), Reflection(feelings)
-I think I organized narration, description and reflection very good. I started with very interesting story in my first part of diary about new happened in every parts of month. I putted narration with many details that make understand very easily. I putted many different feelings in every parts of month I wrote.

4. Clarity; correctness
-At first I wrote everything in my diary, and after I finish wrote my whole diary, I started to look my errors and tried to correct my mistakes in diary. However probably there are still many mistakes from my diary, so I have to look at it more.

5. Fulfilling length
-At first I started with my long paragraphs in every months, but I separated many different long paragraph and putted more details. It was very hard to made like short and specific, but I tried my best in my diary. However I think my diary is still very long, but I tried to put every detail, so that's why diary became longer and longer.

In my opinion I worked really hard for many hours everyday, and I tried my best. My detail and organization are perfect and I think I might get A- or B+. However mostly I want A+ ^^. If Ms. Guarino give more time, I am going to look for my grammar mistakes.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Visit to the Writing Center

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Many Advices Make Better Work
In Cheshire Academy, there is writing center for many students who want help for better writing. In other schools there are no writing center or extra helps, but only our school has this great systems for many hard working students. I love this systems in my school, because I am from Korea and I am one of the international students in Cheshire Academy. However, many different international students still have to work really hard because we all make many errors in our homework. We have much homework everyday and we have to focus on grammar errors and organizations in every part of the homework. Most of international students need to check their work everytime, keep changing their work, to make it better and make it perfect. Writing center is one way that we can make our work better and perfect. I went writing center for many advice about my story of diary entry English project.
I went writing center on Wednesday and I could meet Ms. Swift in writing center. I met her before a lot, because I went writing center advice for my many essays and got advice from Ms. Swift. When I met her first, she taught about what is introduction, body paragraph and conclusion of essays. At first I could not understand very specifically, but from now if I write my essay, I always check my introduction, body paragraph and conclusion every time. Therefore from now I feel this is most important part to start projects or essays. Also in this English project we have to make our own character and include our character in book we read before. We have to understand all stories from the book and understand all of specific character. Ms. Swift told me that put many specific detail inside of story.
Ms. Swift and I looked for my English project together, and there were many simple grammar mistakes. Therefore Ms. Swift let me fix my own grammar mistakes and check what was wrong and what was right. I felt I become really better writer after I checked my grammar mistakes. Also we read it out loud for better understanding, so we could find my mistakes easier. I was little shy, because I read my own writing to other person. However I was not that uncomfortable, because she listen my voice and check my specific mistakes from my project and I started to fix my mistake with me. I also had organization problem from English project. I wrote very thing I know, but it did not organized properly. Ms. Swift advices were careful simple grammar mistakes and focus on organize my all project.   
From now I wrote many different style of writing, but I always make few of mistakes every single time. However I want to do better writing in my life, so I went writing center during my extra time. After I fixed my whole mistake with Ms. Swift I felt very comfortable every time, but I tried to fix by myself sometime. This is my goal that write essays or project and fix by myself. I have many mistakes all the time and need to study more grammars and more organization, but this is very serious problem to do alone. This will be hard and need much time to do by myself, but I am going to try hard and make better work.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Comma splice
-A comma splice is a type of run-on whereby two independent clauses or complete sentences are incorrectly joined by a comma.
Ex. Today I am tired, I will take a nap later.
  • This comma splice has two independent clauses or complete sentences joined incorrectly by only a comma.
  • 'Today I am tired' and 'I will take a nap later' are independent clauses and complete sentences.
  • The two sentences need to be joined by more than just a comma.
Ex of correct sentence.
  • Today I am tired. I will take a nap/ change to period between two sentences.
  • Today I am tired, so I will take a nap/ adding a coordinate conjunction between two sentences.
Run-on sentence
-A run-on sentence consists of two or more main clauses that are run together without proper punctuation.
Ex. The boy showed us his tickets someone gave them to him.
  • Between 'The boy showed us his tickets' and  'someone gave them to him' it has to put period.
Ex of correct sentence.
  • The boy showed us his tickets. Someone gave them to him.
Sentence fragment
-A fragment is an incomplete sentence. It is missing one or more of the following parts:
Ex. When I went to the movies last week and I ran into a friend.
  • This sentence fragment does not contain an independent clause because of the word "when."
  • Therefore, it does not contain a complete thought even though there is a subject and a verb.
Ex of correct sentence.
  • When I ran into a friend at the movies last week, I suggested we sit together.
Independent clause
-Independent clause is a complete sentence.
Ex. She wants to travel the world and see wonderful sights.

Dependent clause
-Dependent clause is a sentence that can't stand by its own
Ex. When the president arrives

Monday, December 7, 2015

3/4 draft

August 11th
     Today is my birthday and my friends and my all families come to my house. Now I am living in Korea, but I am going to America. I have to prepare to go to America for study English. Last year in my birthday I just played a lot and I was very comfortable. However now I am not that comfortable in my birthday, because I have only 3 weeks before I go to America. 
In Korea I have many different friends and I have a big families. I have my boyfriend Brian and best friend Seyeon. There are my best supporter in Korea and we played together and stayed together most of time. However in America I have no friends and I have no families. I am going to America for make more better experience than Korea. Now Korea is very poor because of after Korean War, so my parents decided to make me to go to America. This is one of reason that I go to America. 
However many friends and my families give me special present for me. The special present was American dollars. They tell me that America is rich country than Korea and they help Korea a lot, so my grandmother told me I have to respect to all of people in America. I learn big instruction to my all families during my birthday and I feel little more nervous than yesterday.
August 30th
     Finally today is my last day that stay in Korea. I think I am going to miss many delicious Korean foods and many Korean cultures. Also I will miss many people. Today weather is not that good, because it is cloudy, and it makes feel little sad. During I look sky my boyfriend called me to come out to see him. I cried a lot yesterday night, because I can not see him more before I graduate college. Also I can not come back to Korea, and I feel this is our last connection. We hug each other and promise to see after I graduate. My school starts in October, but I have to arrive college in September for orientation and for conformity college with many different friends and I have to prepare English early, because my English skills are not really good. 
First my friends were surprising that study English in America, because we can learn English in Korea too, but I am going to study in America. I do not have good English skills and I never been to America before, but I want to learn English a lot and become better. I think I will miss everybody when I go to America, because nobody speak Korean in America and I think I am going to be lonely. I pack my all luggage to bring to America and I have so many luggage, because I am going to live in America for a while. This is my first time to ride airplane for long time, so I am nervous a lot and I think I am going to pray for my safe trip. I am leaving and I hope I come back with my succeed life when I come back to Korea after college life.

September 2nd
     Finally I am here! I am in America! However now I am really tired because my flight was really long and uncomfortable. I think about many different idea in airplane, and airplane was very uncomfortable for me. When I come out from airplane my neck and I feel dull pain from my whole body. Also I can hear many noisy English pronouns to everybody, and many people are in airport to pick up people. However nobody come to pick me up. I think I have to use transportations to go to my college, but transportations were very expensive. Despite expensive transportations I used taxi, bus and train to go to my university. I have orientation in my college, so I have to move quickly to listen orientation. Also I want to see many different friends in orientation, so I can make many different friends. During I go to college I imagine many different friends I meet. However I just sleep and sleep during I take transportations. Finally I arrived in college and At first I went to my room. I thought I have roommate in dorm, but school tell I can use single room. I sleep a lot in transportations, but my mental is still very tired. I think I need to go sleep on my new comfortable bed in my dorm.

September 5th
      Today is 3 days after I come to America, I feel much better than before and I clean my big single room. I like my single room, but I want roommate like other students. However I am going to make many friends today, because today we have school orientation. There were many different American students instead of international students. I hear there are only two international students me and one more girl who's name Sookan. Sookan doesn't come to orientation. I think Sookan also have problem to come to college, because I taFinally Sookan come to college. I stay with Sookan's roommate Ellen. Ellen is very outgoing, because she have many different friends in college and she also have her boyfriend. Also she's very rich and want to buy many different new things for her room. We introduce to Sookan, and me and Sookan become really close because we came from same country and know our life environments. 

     We have much time to accustom in college. Me, Sookan, Ellen and Marci become best friends each other. However before school starts me and Sookan were studying really hard for prepare class, because we know class work will become hard for us. We are international students and we are not that good at English. Actually Ellen and Marci are from America. Ellen doesn't like to study, but Marci like to study English a lot. However Marci also doesn't have many different friends, so she also want to make many different friends like me and Sookan. Sookan and me talk about many life dream and many different worrying. Sookan think she is always behind, because of her English skills. Her opinions were always similar with me. I think I am always behind, so I always need to work really hard than other students. Sookan and I can not get enough money every month, because we are poor and not that rich. However Sookan want to buy many different books, but she did not have enough money to buy some books. Therefore I heard to Sookan that she is going to do babysitting for her professor and try to earn money. I think is really smart, but I know this is going to be really hard for Sookan, because she have to study, she have to babysitting and she always worry about her money. This is very hard for mental, and I know Sookan is working really hard every time and everyday.

     Most of day we are working and doesn't get much rest. During 1 month we work really hard and try to make perfect grade every time. Instead of resting we are getting many letters from our families. Me and Sookan are from Korea, so our letter come mostly same time. Sometime it is Sookan mother's letter and sometime it is my mother's letter. I think I get little homesick. I miss my friends in Korea and I miss my all of my families. I want to go back to Korea, but for my big dream I have to stay in America and try to succeed as soon as possible. I see Sookan is crying sometimes, and I guess she also have homesick. Of course I know she can get homesick, because in America we don't have any comfortable friends and any comfortable families. However we can make comfortable families or friends. Me, Sookan, Marci and Ellen can be best friends and Inwish we become more comfortable each other. Me, Sookan and Marci work really har, because final semester is coming, so we have to make our grade perfectly before Christmas. I miss my families and friends, but I am going to show my best work in America with my best friends Sookan. However I am going to write letter to my family, because they wrote letter for me a lot, but I did not write letter for my family. I am going to write about my days and ask about their feelings.

     Finally it is December near from Christmas, and now America become really cold. I heard snow will be come during Christmas. It is also near from end of semester and our grades are going to come. I am little nervous about my grade and I am nervous about my family doesn't like my grade. However I am planning for rest during Christmas break. In Christmas me and Sookan are going to do something for many teachers and our friends. We are planning for big Christmas dinner and we are going to show and cook our delicious Korean foods. However I think it will be hard to make Korean food in America, because we nee many different main arrangements, but we can not buy in America. We think about many different Korean food that easy to make it. Also I am going to prepare Christmas presents for Sookan, Ellen, Marci and few of teachers. However Sookan also have same idea with me, but I heard she doesn't have enough money to buy all of presents for everybody. In Christmas Eve I heard Marci's parents had just returned from their trip to Europe. However I heard Sookan is going to eat foods with Marci and Marci's family. I can imagine Sookan's feel in Marci's house. She told me it was very uncomfortable and wondered if it was a good idea for Sookan to have come home with Marci. I also heard to Sookan that she felt really bad to Marci's father Mr. Gannon, because he talked bad way about Korea and talked about we are poor. I was little angry too after I heard this story, but this was true and I felt I have to study more hard and make Korea more better than now.

January 1st
     Today is New Year's Day and today is January 1st in America. Every countries celebrate this day for better year than before. Also I am going to pray for my families and my friends health, because in Korea we have many traditional praying for many things. However health is one part of praying, and health is most important for studying and for living. Yesterday midnight before 12 O clock, Sookan, Ellen, Marci and me met together and watched television for New Year's Day. In television there were many couples and I miss my boyfriend Brian who is in Korea. Also Kyle was here last midnight to came to see Ellen. They were kissing and feel loving each other a lot. We promised yesterday that we will eat dinner together tonight in big restaurant with everybody. I love to eat many food and I go to restaurant. There are many people who come for New Year's Day dinner. Restaurant was noisy and crowd by many people, but we have big fun with our friends. I miss my families and my Korean friends more than today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Diary Entry

November 19, 2015
Finally I was going back to Korea during Thanksgiving break. I was very exciting to went back to Korea, because I missed my family and my friends. I packed my all clothes yesterday night and I was ready to went to Korea. I called taxi in the morning 8:00 and I went airport with my two friends. We could not believed that we could go back to Korea. However during went to airport we were really hungry, but there were no place to eat. Therefore we just ate hamburger before we got in the plane. I remembered in JFK airport there were small Korean restaurant, but it disappeared. Therefore instead of Korean food we just ate big hamburger. However I was really hungry, so hamburger was really delicious for me. I did not get in airplane yet, but I felt really tired already, because I knew how far it was. Finally we got in airplane, and we heard noisy airplane sounds. However first we tried to search many movies and entertainment programs. However there were many programs in airplane and I felt better, because I could spend time with this all movies and many TV programs. Airplane was not very comfortable, but I felt very comfortable, because I was going back to Korea. 

During Thanksgiving Break

     During Thanksgiving break I went back to Korea for meet my family, my friends and my girlfriend. During one week I planned many different things to do, but first Korea was very far from America. My flight was almost 15 hours from America to Korea. I decided very hard to go back to Korea, because this trip was very tough. It was very tired to go back to Korea and come back to America during one week. However I did many different fun things with my family and my friends.       First I arrived Korea I went to cut my hair, because my hair became long, so it was not that good. After cut my hair I met my whole family and had wonderful dinner. We went big restaurant and ate many different traditional Korean foods. It was very delicious and I ate as much I could. However 15 hours flight was making me really tired, so after dinner we went back to home and I had a big rest with sweet dreams. After two days my body became much better than before, so I called my all friends to play with me. Everybody surprised to me, because this was my first time to came to Korea during Thanksgiving break. However everybody welcome me and we went to watch many different new movies. There were many scary movie too, but I watched scary movie with my girlfriend. I really miss my girlfriend before Thanksgiving break, so I spent much time together during one week. Thanksgiving break was really short, but I had a great time with my family, my friends and my girlfriend. Also I hope winter break is coming as soon as possible.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

After Read 'Gathering of Pearls'

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
After Read 'Gathering of Pearls'
When I tried to read this book at first I was surprised that Ms. Gurarino recommended ‘Gathering of Pearls’ for class book. This book was one girl who came from Korea and tried to study in America. After I read 'Gathering of Pearls' this book became my favorite book, because this book made me sad and this book main character Sookan was very similar with me. At first I could not understand why we had to read this book, because this book was just about Korean girl who came to America to study English. However after I finish read this book I was reminding my America’s life and thought about how much effort I had put in. Also I could understand why Ms. Gurarino made us to read this book because we had all ELL classes and tried to learn more English skills in America like Sookan. In this story Sookan could speak English and know English a lot, but Sookan worked hard everytime for her English. After I read this book I felt about work hard could improve our English skills.
When I came to America at first time I was very lonely and tried to make many different friends like Sookan. My English skills were not really good, so many people tried to help school lifestyle at first, but after few month my school lifestyle became better than before. When Sookan came to America Sookan felt everything were hard and difficult from her school, so many people helped her. Actually when international students came to America back then, they could not assimilate to the culture very well. Therefore many American students helped international students a lot, Because many international students worried a lot with their English skills also worried about communication with many American friends and many different teachers.
However when I was eighth grade I had to be ready for study perfectly. After Korean War many Korean people were busy to earn much money. However these day my parents had enough money to support me to study in America, so I decided to go to America in eighth grade. I had great supporter to study in America, but Sookan could not get good supporter. Because their families were poor, and they had no much money to gave Sookan. When Sookan went to America, she was able to be benefitted by this opportunity because she had received a scholarship and was removed from financial burden. I was really lucky and Sookan was unlucky. When I came to America in eighth grade, I was alone like Sookan. I was little nervous too, because I did not know anybody who were in America and I need to all by myself like Sookan. However before school start, there were summer program, so I decided to go summer program. I felt I could make many different friends and became best friends. My choice was right, and from now we became best friends each other. Sookan was nervous to came to America at first, and also I was nervous even I went to America once. However we became better and better, so we made many friends too.
Nowadays and during past days, many different international students or just students came to America and study for their perfect English skills. I loved this book and I want to recommend to many different international students for their effort. In this book 'Gathering of pearls' main character who came from Korea and could not speak English well and could not listen or write English well, but her effort was perfect in this book. She knew she had many problem from her English skills and she practiced and worked really hard for her perfect grade from her all of classes. Some people did not know about big effort makes perfect, and we could see Sookan's effort was perfect and became English teacher and author in this story. I loved Sookan's effort and I want to recommend this book to many people who wanted to become perfect.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Vocabulary 3

1. mannequin: (plastic person)- She took it off the mannequin and gently pushed me toward the dressing room.
2. second-hand: (something that has been used)- To save money, I had purchased second-hand textbooks from upperclassmen at a fraction of the original price, and I was careful not to use too many notebooks.
3. animatedly: (using a lot of motions and gestures)- Many of our classmates were there, with drinks in hand, talking animatedly.
4. faltered: (to go off of a path)- Flustered, I faltered, then hurriedly responded, "Yes, well, I had a good time, too. Good night." I pulled my hand from his, and ran inside.
5. impulsive: (do things before thinking)- You are a bit impulsive and head' strong at times, but you did well.
6. constrained: (restrictions or rules)- But maybe that was why I had wanted to leave home for a while; I had always felt constrained there.
7. Gregorian: (chant)- I'll be working on campus. A Gregorian chant program is scheduled for June, and students will be coming from around the world.
8. pearl: (type jewelry)- I would wear my cream silk dress and the pearl jewelry that Sister Reed had given me.
9. elope: (to get married without permission)- I just want to elope and get our lives started now!"
10. taciturn: (not speak very much) I would write to each of my taciturn brothers, even though they had never written to me.
11. sobbed: (cried really hard)- I sat, buried my face in my hands, and sobbed.
12. pouch: (a pocket)- In a silk pouch that Mother had made was her thin, white gold wedding band.
13. listlessly: (not moving like it is dead)- As I stared forward listlessly, little Sarah snuggled up against me, and whispered into my ear, "I love you, Sookan." She squeezed my hand.
14. hymn: (religious song)- I was comforted by their high-pitched hymns reverberating in the domed chapel.
15. fainted:  (to pass out/sleep)- She had fainted, and they found out it was a cerebral hemorrhage.

Monday, November 16, 2015

In class writing

   There were many ending during 'Peter Pan'. The last ending was a year later they promised that Wendy, John and Michael would visit Neverland once a year. This ending was little bit of happy ending and little bit of sad ending. First it was better than could not see each other. They might not see each other, because Wendy's mother did not aloud to go to Neverland. She knew that Neverland could be dangerous place for their children. Also they promised that Wendy, John and Michael would visit Neverland once a year, but Wendy might grow up, so she could forget about Peter Pan and Peter Pan also could forget about Wendy. This is little bit sad ending too.
Peter wanted to stay with Wendy, John and Michael. Therefore he asked to their mother about staying together and go to Neverland together. However children's mother said no, because she wanted to protect their children. I felt Peter Pan looked really sad and poor from children's mother. There are many happy ending or sad ending in theater, but in this 'Peter Pan' I felt there were two happy and sad ending.

The Best of Time to Watch Peter Pan

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
The Best of Time to Watch Peter Pan
          Many people read book of ‘Peter Pan’ and they know story from ‘Peter Pan’. However  in Cheshire Academy theater they made story more interesting with a lot of imagination. When I was in eight grade, I tried theater of pit band. I did not perform and did not memorize any dialogues, but I saw that they worked hard and tried to make perfect during theater. Before I watched ‘Peter Pan’ I knew that theater characters were working really hard to memorize all of dialogues and they practiced to make perfect. Also if they performed, they wanted to show no mistakes and show how much time they took to make perfect theater. In theater there were happy and beautiful Wendy house. There was Mrs. Darling, Mr. Darling, John and Michael, and dog named Nana. The stars were shining brightly one night, and  Peter Pan came to Wendy house to find his shadow. However Wendy heard Peter Pan’s voice, so she tried to talk with Peter Pan. Peter Pan needed help to sew shadow to Peter Pan. Because of that relation, Peter asked to Wendy to take a journey to Neverland and Wendy heard about flying to Neverland, so she woke John and Michael to fly to Neverland.
          However in Neverland, Captain Hook made a plan to catch Peter Pan, because during Captain Hook was fought with Peter Pan, he lost one of his hands, and the crocodile ate one of his hand. After crocodile ate Captian Hook’s hand, crocodile always follows Captian Hook with sounds with clock to eat other hand. After that happened Captian Hook felt nervous from crocodile and always tried to hide when clock sounds came out, so  he climbed a burning hatred for Peter Pan. The master plan of Captian Hook for catching the virus was Peter Pan. In other words, Peter Pan kidnapped Indian chiefs daughter who lives in the woods and found out the home of Peter Pan and orphans to intimidate them, to raid the place. Wendy, John Michael told  Peter Pan to take them back to their home, because  their parents could be  worried and waiting for them. Mrs. Darling was waiting and did not close the window because she guessed that Wendy, John and Michael will come back through the window. Mrs. Darling heard Peter Pan’s voice. Peter Pan told Mrs. Darling that he wanted to be with Wendy, John and Michael. They could have  come with him but Mrs. Darling told no to Peter Pan, because she knew it could be dangerous. At the end, a year later they promised that Wendy, John and Michael would visit Neverland once a year.
After I watched this whole theater, I felt they prepared it really well and practiced really hard. Their organization of stories was really good and they did not make us bored. They put many interesting characters in ‘Peter Pan’. My favorite performer was John Jiang and Mr. Porter. John Jiang was Mr. Darling and curly Mr. Porter was faculty pirates. I loved their jokes and they made all of us watching laugh. We did not get bored because of John Jiang and Mr. Porter. Also Mr. Porter was not the main character, but many people laughed at Mr. Porter and his dialogues were not that long, but I still can remember. Also John Jiang is from China, but he performed like real American. His acting was really interesting and perfect. I hope in Cheshire Academy there are many more theaters from now. Also I hope there are many different performers come out between Cheshire Academy students.


Monday, November 9, 2015


Capturing the Before

 When I was in under the JJW building, I saw many people but I can saw on of title Capturing  the before. I read through whole explanation, and saw eight photographers about photos. These photographs were all came from 'Capturing the Before'. Capturing means the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property, so in my opinion they wanted to explain our society and our life by photographs.
 I can felt many things from many photographs, because most of pictures were very lonely and felt they need many helps from our community. Also I thought there were many darkness and brightness that tried to escape dark to light. This means they were in dark and nobody can helped, but they tried to escape their lonely place and tried to go out to our big community and fight with them. Many people were there to saw many photographs and we can felt peaceful. Also photographs made me to returned my life and our communities.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sookan's Succeed Life

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Sookan's Succeed Life
In this novel main character Sookan came to America for studied and tried to succeed in America. In this time Korea was really poor and we had nothing because of Korean War. Perhaps Sookan could thought about Korea's future, and she tried to change Korea after she succeed in America. However Sookan did not know anything about America and she could not speak English very well, but she always tried to learn many different subjects for her grade. Sookan knew she did not have good English skills, so she always thought about her subject grades, and she worked really hard every single days. Sookan wanted to be perfect. She practice her English skills everyday and tried to become perfect. Sookan was very polite to everybody, but she could not have many different friends. Sookan's roommate Ellen was very outgoing, so she had many friends. Sookan, Ellen and Marci were best friends each other. Sookan, Ellen and Marci's relationship were stay by whole time. Also Sookan did not good at English and she was not good at it. However Sookan always worked hard, so Sookan could be succeed in America.
Most of people thought if they came to America, they had to went to college, because people thought, if they did not go to college, they did not succeed in America. Actually this was a bias to many students who prepared colleges. In my opinion if Sookan was in college, she could succeed in American college. In America most of teachers loved students who worked really hard from everything. Of course many teachers loved to just met perfect students, but there are many different students in our lifes. It could be perfect students, it could be hard workers, and it could be just bad students. However hard workers could be much better than before everytime, because they always worked hard for their future. Sookan was one of hard worker, and after she went to college, I believed she could succeed in American college. Because grades were never betray to hard worker. If Sookan was keep working hard than she could succeed in everywhere she wanted. This story was including my story too, and I could understand Sookan, because I was not and I am not perfect student, but I always worked hard to get good grade. Also I am still working on everyday, but I could not get best grade from now. However I never give up, because I believe I could get good grade someday, and I know I will succeed and improve my English skills like Sookan. All of schools works were hard and they always made us troubles, but Sookan would not give up and she would tried hard and hard and she would get good grade from every subject especially in college. Also she could make many different best friends in everywhere like Ellen and Marci.
Sookan, Ellen and Marci would stay with together, because in this story they were very close each other and they always stayed together. Sookan was from Korea, and Ellen and Marci was from America. Therefore Ellen and Marci could help Sookan English skills or if Sookan could not communicate with people Ellen and Marci could help Sookan everytime anywhere. Sookan, Ellen and Marci could help each other for their friendships. Also if they graduated school than they could call each other for their friendships. From my experience if I made many different best friends in school, I was never end my friendships with my friends. We always ask about our life each other for friend and if it happened bad, we worried each other, because we are friends. Also after Sookan, Ellen and Marci graduated all of schools than they could do business together in America. I read many newspapers before, but there were many people who did business with their best friends. They worked together, they thought together, and they made company together. Friends could do everything they wanted. Also friendships were never brake up, because they knew each other and they believed each other.
I could understand Sookan a lot in this story, because I also from Korea and Sookan had hard life in that time. However she worked hard for her succeed life and for her families. Sookan was not good at English and she could not about American cultures, but she always tried her best. Also she knew that she had bad English skills, and she worked really hard everyday. She was really sick when she was studying, but she did not care about her health, and she only cared about her better grades. I could see that she really wanted to get better grade every single time. I never seen hard worker could not succeed, so Sookan could succeed her life in this story. Practice makes perfect. Sookan was practicing and she never gave up, so she could be perfect. Also her friendships were going to never brake up, because Sookan was really polite to everybody, and Sookan could make more friends. Sookan would not know about America, but she tried to know everytime. Also she always talked about she is going to succeed for her families in Korea. She could be best perfect student in whole life.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Chart of Korea and U.S

1. I never saw man cook or enter the kitchen in Korea
2. I did not have much money in Korea
3. I had to respect the elder all the time
4. I did babysitting for free
5. I never saw people kiss at the public place

1. I see professor cooks for his family
2. I see Ellen can buy the things she wants
3. I can talk to elder normally
4. I get pay from babysitting my professor's children
5. I see people kiss each other.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Similar and Difference between Sookan and me

 When I was in fifth grade, I came to United State by to month. At first I wanted to travel to America, but I had school vacation, so I could stay more in America. Therefore I was staying two month for my English provement and my English skills. I went American private school with my Korean friends. However Sookan did not have friends to go to America. She went America by herself and she tried to make new experience in America. I was in Los Angeles near by Korean town. Actually when I was fifth grade, I did not nervous to came to America. I had many friends and I knew them. Also I was just staying two month. As well as Sookan was very nervous to came to America at first, because  she was alone and no one can support her very strongly. Also she did not good at spoke English a lot. She worried a lot, because of her English skills also she worried about communication with her new American friends and many different teachers.
 However when I was eighth grade I had to be ready. Before I came to Cheshire Academy, I was studying in Korean public middle school. I had many different friends in Korea and we always had fun together everyday. Sookan also had many friends in Korea, but I think they could not have fun. Because that year was 1954 right after Korean War, so many people died and they were all poor. Also they were busy to earn much money. However my parents had enough money to support me to study in America, so I decided to go to America in eighth grade. I had great supporter to study in America, but Sookan could not get good supporter. Because their families were poor, and they had no much money to gave Sookan. I was really lucky and Sookan was unlucky. When I came to America in eighth grade, I was alone like Sookan. I was little nervous too, because I did not know anybody who were in America and I need to all by myself like Sookan. However before school start, there were summer program, so I decided to go summer program. I felt I could make many different friends and became best friends. My choice was right, and from now we became best friends each other. Sookan was nervous to came to America at first, and also I was nervous even I went to America once. However we became better and better, so we made many friends too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Gathering of pearls questions

1.   How does Sookan feels her new friend Marci?
2.   How do Sookan and her roommate Ellen relationship become?
3.   After Sookan got her mom's letter how she feels like?
4.   What is background of Sookan's family?
5.   What is Sookan's purpose, before she is going back to Korea?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

About Author Sook Nyul Choi

Sook Nyul Choi/ She is Korean American storybook's author. She wrote many different Korean American storybooks. I thought she was from South Korea, but she was born in Pyongyang,  North Korea and she came to South Korea during Korean war. She was born  in 1937. After she came to South Korea, she wanted to study more about students' education. She tried hard and finally in 1962 she became a school teacher in Manhattanville College in New York. As well as she came to America she also teach many students, but she wanted to write her own books. She started to write many experience for her books. Her books were all write by English and include with America, but many people could feel traditional Korean stories, because Korea was very poor and had many big worst problem by many countries. She also include this happened in her books, so most of people felt sad about this happened.

Best Ability Of Life

Minseung Kim
Ms. Guarino
English II (IS) - 2
Best Ability Of Life
     When I was in kindergarten, my mom made I read many different books for my future knowledges. I did not know about anything that read many books and knew knowledges for my future. Actually I loved to read many different books. I read many different Korean books, when I did not know English. I learned English when I was in primary school. After I learn English I also loved to read many English novels. If I read many different books, there were many lessons that always tried to teach us. When I was young, I was very interesting about many different lessons to learn many different community knowledges. This was my dream that write my own lesson to many different people and they could learn my lesson from my books. I thought this could be my best ability of my life.
     My mom told me, if I want to know many different knowledge, I need to read many different articles or read many different books. When I was young, I could understand books very easily, because books were very easy for young children and they show great organized for many people. However now if I read many books, there were all difficult and hard to understand book story. If I could not understand story one time, I tried to read again from the beginning. It was hard to read again and hard to organized understand stories, but I really wanted to understand all of books' stories. I think I prefer to read many books for my knowledges and read can makes me creativity for everything. Also read makes me focus something a lot. This makes me very helpful that when I study big tests or doing big projects. If I can focus easily, I can also get good grade in all of important tests or projects. It helps everything.
     I prefer to read graphic novels a lot, because it is easy to understand many different story. Also in English class we read many different graphic novels. We read 'Persepolis' and 'Absolutely True Diary'. My favorite book is 'Absolutely True Diary', because this story give many life lesson to me. I could understand many different happen to main character. For example one of turning points were make main character's life different. I loved to read many different life lesson's from many different books, but 'Absolutely True Diary' was story about teach special life lessons. Sometime graphic novels were hard to understand, but most of graphic novels show great organization for many people. Therefore it become we can understand very easier than just general novels. General novels are can be boring than graphic novel, but in general novels we can imagine many different things from story.
     From Cheshire Academy or many schools need to write many essay. I tried to write many different format of essay, but I always got mistake and always got bad grade. However I always tried to improve my own writing skills from many teachers. It is very hard to think about topic of essay and hard to write something creativity. After I wrote essay, most of big problems were grammar mistakes. I always think about grammar mistake in every essay, but I could not find my problem very specifically. I will keep work on my writing skills and improve my writing essay grade. I always tried to want to get good grade for my college and for my future. I will practice writing and I will make perfect.
     Always love to read many different books, and always write many different essay, but I got bad grade. However this two skills are best ability for our life. I can know better community and better knowledge. In our life, there are no easy way to become perfect. However most of people just want to get perfect from everything. That could be possible sometimes, but not always possible. That's why most of people practice everything very hard, and try to become better. I will keep read many different books and write many different essay. My reading and writing skills are going to improve more than now!